By Anonymous - 15/05/2013 20:12 - United States

Today, I called my mother to tell her that I got engaged. In the 15 minute conversation that followed, 13 were spent listening to how this is going to affect her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 461
You deserved it 3 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AnthonyWheeler15 24

She should be happy for you! Don't let anything she said get to you! Congrats!

Shortay123 14

Self centered people these days. And if she doesn't want to she doesn't have to let it affect her. Live your life the way you want to. If you are old enough to be engaged you are old enough for it not to matter how it will affect her.


FYL OP, that sux! My mom berated and cussed me so bad for those 13 minutes, I had to hang up on her then turn off the phone because she kept calling back. Then I had to delete several messages of the same verbal abuse. She's still not over how much it "hurt" her to not receive an invitation...really boggles the mind. Congrats on your engagement tho! Best of luck =)