By mjperfetti84 - 22/11/2009 13:53 - United States

Today, I helped an old man with his groceries, because he was struggling and he had a cane. After, I was nice enough to drive him home. He went to thank me by giving me a kiss on the cheek. Then he stuck his tongue out, and tried to French kiss me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 483
You deserved it 6 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments half of the FML's this week are about perverted old men You wonder if it's the same guy ^.^


that's men for you. they think with their dicks.

That's women for you, they make broad, offensive generalizations about half the planet's population because they've been dumped too many times. Bitches, amirite?

If you were smart you would have taken him up on his offer. Like they say, with age comes wisdom, and by "wisdom" I mean memorization of the Kama Sutra. And of course there would have been money in it for you when he "accidentally" sustained fatal head trauma during a tricky position.

woopita 0

Awwww.... Isn't that cute? ^_^ You're so nice to your elders. (No good deed goes unpunished, huh....)

wow, you are such a bitch. You know, he probly fought for you in WW1 &/or 2. The least you could do was kiss him. Honestly, I say you shoulda put his cane inside your body.

Ew! Poor you! What'd you do when he tried to French kiss you? I would have kicked him in the nuts! :P

D-I-N-O-S-A-U-R a DINOSAUR and O-L-D M-A-N you are an OLD MAN hittin' on me WHAT?!

Did you ever think that he may have a dystonic tongue?