All the FMLs

rufus_t_firefly tells us more.

Hi OP here. Basically I work in a houseware and DIY store and the customer was a bit awkward in the first place. As she was leaving she asked if I could ring her a taxi, and I said I could if she had the phone number. She gave me a business card with a number on which I rang but the lady on the other end hadn't heard of where I work so she asked what town I was in. When I told her I was in Leicester she told me she was in Cornwall which is right at the far south west of England. I don't know whether she thought I playing a prank or was some sort of idiot. The customer herself seemed surprised the number was for Cornwall so what she was doing with the business card I don't know. To top it all off after we told her we didn't have a local taxi number she went outside to ring her son. On her mobile phone.

bambisapphic tells us more.

yeah, I thought of that, but these guys do this all day in different places, and make a ton of money from tourists. the amount of money I can afford to give probably wouldn't mean shit to them.