
By Earlybird76 - 04/04/2017 09:00 - Canada - Richmond

Today, after 6 months of unemployment and jobs searching, I showed up to my new job 10 minutes early. My new supervisor confusedly greeted me and informed me I was in fact a week and 10 minutes early. HR changed my start date and told everyone but me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 476
You deserved it 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better a week early than a week late! And possibly then being fired.... :-)

I hope you have enough money to sustain for a week and 10 mins ! Good luck for the job! And congratulations!


I hope you have enough money to sustain for a week and 10 mins ! Good luck for the job! And congratulations!

i wanted to say exactly that but you did.. soo i replied to your comment instead

Better a week early than a week late! And possibly then being fired.... :-)

Now OP - and everybody else on here - knows to call once a week to re-confirm your starting day. Thx! :-)

species4872 19

Plot twist, OP's new job is in HR.

Yeah, even I knew that! I don't know why HR sent out a worldwide spam about your start date, but I'm glad to know it's legit.

00sweeney 2

So, you made a trip you didn't have to? Your life is *truly* ******.

At least it shows that you're keen to start.

Smartlead 0

Nickname is on point yet I think it'd be cool to add "too" so it can be "TooEarlybird"..