A liar AND a cheapskate

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Fort Myers

Today, I was at K-Mart and saw an exact copy of my engagement ring for twenty bucks. The same one that had supposedly been in my fiancé's family for generations, and worth thousands. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 259
You deserved it 3 149

Top comments

You never know, your engagement ring might actually be really special, and this might just be a cheap knockoff. Give your fiancé the benefit of the doubt

Wizardo 33

I don't get why such value is placed upon an object like that. A wedding ring is understandable, but expectations of expensive jewellery for an engagement are a bit outdated now.


Take your ring to a jeweller and get them to tell you how much the real one is worth.

To those who don't get the post: she's unlikely angry at the cost of the ring, but rather that he would lie so much. He didn't just say it was expensive, he gave it history. I would be angry as well, because why not just tell the truth?

Badkarma4u 17

I hope the problem is that he lied about the ring not that the ring was cheap, I hope.

Be thankful. I still don't have a ring and we have been married almost 3 years.

kk21days 14

A man has pledged his life to you, and you're worried about a hunk of carbon on a metal circle?

kk21days 14

Well, then the FML should be "my fiancé is a pathological liar" not "my really expensive ring isn't that expensive after all." Sounds to me like OP is more worried that her ring isn't as expensive as she thought than the fact that she was lied to. Just my honest opinion.

Come on people, as if you wouldn't be annoyed that he passed off a chain store ring as a family heirloom.

bad_boyfriend 10

He shouldn't have lied about the ring, but the fact that this kind of thing matters to you tells me you deserved it. I cannot for the life of me understand why any man would marry a woman who needs a ring worth half the down payment on a house to symbolize their love.

Yeah but lying about it being a family heirloom is a big ******* deal. If it's an heirloom it means that the person is really invested since they are literally giving you a piece of their family history.

makeupgirl_fml 22

If your fiancé lied to you, that sucks. But does it really matter how much the ring costs if you're marrying the love of your life?

Only you know OP. If he's usually a cheapskate, you need to decide what you want to do about him.