A liar AND a cheapskate

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Fort Myers

Today, I was at K-Mart and saw an exact copy of my engagement ring for twenty bucks. The same one that had supposedly been in my fiancé's family for generations, and worth thousands. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 259
You deserved it 3 149

Top comments

You never know, your engagement ring might actually be really special, and this might just be a cheap knockoff. Give your fiancé the benefit of the doubt

Wizardo 33

I don't get why such value is placed upon an object like that. A wedding ring is understandable, but expectations of expensive jewellery for an engagement are a bit outdated now.


atomicxsarah 17

Maybe he was really embarrassed that he didn't have money to get you a nice ring and wanted you to feel special. It doesn't matter if the ring is real or not but it does matter that he lied to you. You definitely should confront him about it.

Be happy he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. My husband proposed with a $9 ring from Amazon, and I still have it. He's committing to you. Be grateful for that. I understand being upset he lied, but so many females these days only care about how much the ring was, instead of the commitment that comes with it, so he probably just didn't want you to flip out because it was a cheap ring.

Like I said, she has a right to be upset about him lying. But females these days care more about the money spent on the ring rather than the actual reason behind the ring. So that's why he probably said that.

Dallyni 22

Sorry he lied, but still it shouldn't matter it's just a ring

Lying is a huge issue in any relationship. If someone lies about something as small as ring, what else will they lie about later?

Do you really need an overly expensive chunk of carbon on your finger just to say you're married?

I agree when they say the thoughts that count. A thought of buying a $20 ring from k mart vs buying a better ring to show your sincerity for the woman you're marrying. After all it's supposed to be once in a lifetime.

If it was a $20 ring from Walmart/Kmart/wherever and he told her as such, I don't think OP would be upset about it. Assuming it is a fake, he passed it off as something it isn't. If OP really loved him, she wouldn't be upset that it came from Walmart or whatever, as long as he told her the truth. But the FML stems from her (possibly) being lied to.

The lying is what's upsetting her, she only put the value in their to show how big of a lie it was, would you people want to spend the rest of your lives with someone who started the rest of you life long love off with a lie?

It sucks that they lied but remember the ring isn't the important part!! You get to marry your best friend!!

townailz 16
Badkarma4u 17

Nobody can say he lied. 1 lnock offs aee a copy of real jewelry 2 its supposedly been in his family meaning he didnt buy it. it was given to him But op if your first thought was to distrust your fiencé maybe you should think hard about who yiu are marying.

Wedding rings are all a diamond scam anyways. As soon as you go out the door its value is closer to a third of what was paid. Why should a price tag matter anyways? Gold digger