A pot to piss in
By chamberpottime - 16/12/2015 08:58 - United Kingdom - Bristol
By chamberpottime - 16/12/2015 08:58 - United Kingdom - Bristol
By Anonymous - 20/11/2020 05:04
By welptimetoburntheplacedown - 11/08/2014 15:02 - United States - Louisville
By Anonymous - 14/06/2020 20:07
By ANON - 21/09/2016 14:09 - United Kingdom - London
By Anonymous - 02/08/2019 16:03
By Anonymous - 19/05/2018 20:30
By IrisKitty - 18/08/2015 07:07 - United States - Englewood
By Anonymous - 07/08/2020 20:01
By meeee - 13/02/2021 23:01
By Anonymous - 04/05/2013 13:32 - United States - San Leandro
Poor Grandma needs a litter box!
Wait what? Does she have an issue or she is just nuts?
Carpet or hard-floor? If the former, FYL even more.
Maybe she's not mentally healthy?
Hopefully you have hard wood floors...
People still do this?
Grand,a got ran over by your car
That always happen to me. I have a saddle in my room and I tell my grandma not to put anything on it.. And when I went in their she had here lataxtives on their with a towel with poop I went to her and said take your white towel and your white pills and get out..
Um. That's not normal.
Say, "Here, you can use mine."
Maybe does she have a bladder infection or a weak bladder? That or she's just lazy