A stopped clock is right twice a day

By Anonymous - 16/03/2022 00:00

Today, my ex told my boss I’d been faking my negative Covid tests. A complete lie, but I had to take a test in front of my boss, just in case. It was positive. I have never faked a test and had no idea I was infected, but my boss fired me for faking tests. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 384
You deserved it 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This sucks. You really had to have made the ex mad to pull that

Grumpy Jack 26

So, your now ex boss puts more trust in your bitchy ex than he does to you ?? Maybe he'd been trying to fire you for a long time and finally made it happen.


This sucks. You really had to have made the ex mad to pull that

Grumpy Jack 26
Grumpy Jack 26

So, your now ex boss puts more trust in your bitchy ex than he does to you ?? Maybe he'd been trying to fire you for a long time and finally made it happen.

mccuish 25

You must’ve really pissed her off if she would lie to your boss about you faking a negative test.

you test was positive, so you weren't faking, making it illegal to fire you. if it's a good job then due for wrongful termination. if not, hello unemployment checks.

Anyone forcing me to take a COVID-19 or other medical test in front of them, will no longer have me as an employee.