A tale as old as time

By Anonymous - 02/07/2024 23:30 - India - Hyderabad

Today, it's been an exact month since everything went wrong with me and the girl I put 100% efforts to just talk to. My heart has never felt no heavy, and I wish I was a bit more attractive. The greatest pain that comes to your heart is when you love someone who you can never have. FML
I agree, your life sucks 280
You deserved it 368

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cpguru24 16

"The greatest pain that comes to your heart is when you love someone who you can never have. FML" This is very narrow sighted and not accurate. Although I empathize with your emotions on this. Also recognize this infatuation is not healthy. The other party owes you nothing. I hope you can find peace and move on. This can start to go down a slippery, dangerous slope if you cant keep your emotions in check. Good Luck.

I'm sorry for what you're going through, but it's not healthy to fixate. She's not into you. Time to accept it and move on.


cpguru24 16

"The greatest pain that comes to your heart is when you love someone who you can never have. FML" This is very narrow sighted and not accurate. Although I empathize with your emotions on this. Also recognize this infatuation is not healthy. The other party owes you nothing. I hope you can find peace and move on. This can start to go down a slippery, dangerous slope if you cant keep your emotions in check. Good Luck.

I'm sorry for what you're going through, but it's not healthy to fixate. She's not into you. Time to accept it and move on.