
By Anonymous - 11/12/2020 05:02

Today, I’ve been single for 6 and a half years. It was fun for a while, but now it’s just sad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 802
You deserved it 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've been single for 2 years now. I love living alone so much that if I would meet someone, I'm not sure I could ever live with them. Be glad that you can do whatever you want, whenever you want!

Michael Sawyer 11

Do not feel sorry for yourself for having standards and a specific partner type in mind. I have been single for almost 13 years since my divorce in 2008. They first 7-8 years were kind of hard seeing everyone else but have come to realize I am happier and healthier single and just waiting for the "one" to pop into my life.


Michael Sawyer 11

Do not feel sorry for yourself for having standards and a specific partner type in mind. I have been single for almost 13 years since my divorce in 2008. They first 7-8 years were kind of hard seeing everyone else but have come to realize I am happier and healthier single and just waiting for the "one" to pop into my life.

Download Tinder. My understanding is that in NYC anyone can get laid every night. It's just a function of how long you stay in the bar, and how low you lower your standards.

I've been single for 2 years now. I love living alone so much that if I would meet someone, I'm not sure I could ever live with them. Be glad that you can do whatever you want, whenever you want!

if you weren't able to what you want when you want you were in the wrong type of relationship. I've been married for 5+years yeah nothing for some relationships out there and my wife and I were in longer relationships prior to meeting each other. we both respects each other commitments to each other and respect each other individualities and Hobbies and both make sure we are both free of any restrictions of bounds made in our marriage we have children and we both manage to make time for each other and give each other time. if she wants to go boom go ahead just know what you're leaving at home and coming back to same goes for me. now as far as being single. there is absolutely nothing wrong with being single. don't let societal standards dictate your happiness. being single gives you a whole different sense of freedom than being in relationships where obligations dictate what you do. just find the right one that can love you for you and remember that you have a life full of love prior to them and that you know the same of them and if you step into a relationship make sure that you can both equally feel the same freedom of being single as you both do now. otherwise you're stuck in a relationship of what some describe not being able to do as you want. if you like being single and being promiscuous then stay single but if you found someone you can be yourself with then be happy together

I've been single since 2005. I've been on dates. Haven't met anyone where we both want it to be more. It's only sad if you let others define where your life should be. I'm about the same age as my grandmother was when she got married. I'm 8 years younger, at 40, than she was when she gave birth to my mom. Being a couple or being single should only be an aspect of one's life never the defining of it.