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Check out Hank Pecker's Chadvice

By electronjames - 09/06/2024 17:00 - United States - Fredericksburg

Today, it's now exactly one year until I turn 30 and I’ve never been with a woman before. I know that it’s over for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 344
You deserved it 246

Same thing different taste

Top comments

With that kind of attitude, it could be.

Far be it from me to understand love, but people think it exists and that you can fall in love at any time. Just remember the two important rules: no means no, and don't be a creep.


With that kind of attitude, it could be.

GoogieWithers 23

There are no rules to say when to have sex. Work on your self including confidence, you may be surprised.

You might be surprised, people in their 30s tend to have fewer hang-ups regarding sex than those in their Teens/Twenties.

Far be it from me to understand love, but people think it exists and that you can fall in love at any time. Just remember the two important rules: no means no, and don't be a creep.

Wadlaen 23

To consolidate you, I can tell you that I'm 35, I so far in my life I've had one girlfriend and I've never had sex, so you are still able to do it better! As long as you believe in yourself!

To all the comments insisting he's a 'creep.' How do you know this???