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By Rick - 02/10/2023 08:00

Today, I went to my colleague’s apartment so we could talk about a project for work over dinner. One thing led to another and the sexual tension we couldn’t unleash at work for months got to the best of us. It was the best sex I ever had and I want to come back for more. I just wish I didn’t have a wife at home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 130
You deserved it 1 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

number 1 rule of being married is don't put yourself in those positions dinner to work on a project. please you wanted it to happen

Tell your wife, she will probably leave you = problem solved. F*ck her life.


number 1 rule of being married is don't put yourself in those positions dinner to work on a project. please you wanted it to happen

Tell your wife, she will probably leave you = problem solved. F*ck her life.

It's not abnormal to have desires for the same sex, but please talk to your wife first.

they never mentioned the sex of the worker so we don't know if he's a guy and she a girl.

headlock95 3

You are a dumb ******* idiot. She doesn’t deserve you

you're a moron for going there in the first place if you had sexual tension at work. but you wanted it to happen. your poor wife.

Doom_Kitty 12

That's something you talk about with your partner BEFORE you do it.

CakeEater 15

Easy wish to make come true, do you and your wife a favor and file for divorce

Keep signing up for projects with her. Sometimes issuing sage advice is almost too easy.

I want to say YDI... But it could be confused that you deserved the sex. Nope. no FML here, you cheated on your WIFE. Cheating is never welcome even with a bf/gf. Dude, just dude!