
By jaya - 03/05/2022 12:00

Today, I attempted to conquer my fear of eating out. The very first thing I saw as soon as I got to the restaurant? An unconscious guy getting taken away by paramedics. I turned around and went straight home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 916
You deserved it 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I suggest you try on your girlfriend first, provided you have one. The risk of getting sick from it is rather minimal.

You mean the guy was still alive? When I go out to eat, they are often taking away a few dead bodies. (Hey, encouraging people to eat out means it's going to be even harder to get a table!)


I suggest you try on your girlfriend first, provided you have one. The risk of getting sick from it is rather minimal.

Yes, but if that goes south, so to speak, you know he's never going to dine at fish places. Proceed with caution!

You mean the guy was still alive? When I go out to eat, they are often taking away a few dead bodies. (Hey, encouraging people to eat out means it's going to be even harder to get a table!)