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Alas, poor Mickey

By socksoffire - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I did my laundry. When I took it out, everything was clean, including the mouse that had been hiding in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 673
You deserved it 4 926

Top comments

So you left a computer peripheral with your clothes. It can be replaced.

Arsenic_Cupcake 0

I feel bad for the mouse. FHL.


haha that's even better than washing your iPod! At least it'll be clean when it gives you a nasty disease lol

Also, you may want to consider rewashing all of your clothes...

iSitt 0

dead mouse poop makes it smell like after a spring rain, followed by flashflood and mudslide

you sound like an extremely clean woman. O______O

jennnnrawr 0

at least it smells nice and fresh?

mouse hair has been proven to be great for washing cotton

Poor mouse? Eeww thts discusting to me.

I think I would rather find something electronic in my wash than vermin that decided o go swimming. (No offense to mouse lovers, I own 5 guinea pigs :) )

Tumbled rat is tender and juicy. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-drools-

Y is this an fml? Did the mouse die and bleed on your clothes? No. Ydi for not being an fml


no one thinks to check for a mouse before they do their laundry. Not his fault at all just one of those things that happens. Sorry OP!

one time I was doing laundry and I stepped in front of the dryer and I stepped on a dead mouse that my cat had just killed... there was blood all over my foot O.o

ashlynn610 12

that's narrrrsty! lol  the mouse is out to get you!!! (;

rjhicks59 0

I agree, because everybody knows to check their laundry for rats, pigs, goats, and fish before putting it in the laundry. ydi

rauj13 0

Well, I shake my clothes to make sure they're empty. I assume the mouse would've fallen out.

ashlynn610 12

ewwwww that's so gross!!!! D:

One time I was changing my laundry when I noticed that there was a homeless man in the dryer waxing a saxaphone with a frog. When I confronted him he yelled, "CHEESEY POOFS!" and closed the lid. When I opened it again, he was gone.

ashlynn610 12

that did not happen... lmao idk what I would do if it did though (:

 i love you(:

ashlynn610 12

So you left a computer peripheral with your clothes. It can be replaced.

KurouTenshi 0

I'm sure he'll thank you for the bath by giving you the bubonic plague. you scratch his back and he'll scratch your immune system.

youthink_fml 0

YDI for having mice. Clean up a bit.

That's icky. And what an awful way for the mouse to die