Alf Garnett

By Anonymous - 30/03/2022 02:00

Today, and up until now, I never knew my dad had a racist streak until he found out his usual fish and chip shop had been turned into an Indian takeaway. The language he was using, I had to google what half of the names even meant, since I wasn't born in the '70s. The neighbours definitely heard him, because now they won't talk to us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 943
You deserved it 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's always there under the surface. When people are under severe duress, it can boil over! Had his fish n chips been replaced by a Burger King, he'd probably rant against the Royals!

This sounds familiar. Are you in a small Ontarian town south of Barrie?


It's always there under the surface. When people are under severe duress, it can boil over! Had his fish n chips been replaced by a Burger King, he'd probably rant against the Royals!

This sounds familiar. Are you in a small Ontarian town south of Barrie?