By BadAssBandit897 - 23/02/2013 13:46 - Canada
BadAssBandit897 tells us more.
Hey guys, OP here...I can't believe I forgot to log in :P anyways, I decided to be completely honest with the guy and end things. It was a little scary, seeing as he also knows where I live. He was in denial at first, but in the end he accepted that I wasn't interested. I still can't get a good night's rest though...
Top comments
Yeah, when he says he is going to shoot you with his love gun... He may mean it more literally than the song entails.
Give it a shot!
Try*. Sorry I had to.
That wouldn't be grammar, that would be spelling.
op is your name Janie by any chance?
75, nice jimi reference.
#117 Spelling is part of grammar. pressure.
Still not odds I'd want to gamble with
But he didn't! And he wouldn't try shooting you if he didn't love you right? Be careful OP..
Because shooting is the best way to show his love...
# 3 What if the guy did love the other girl which is why he tried to shoot her because he was really broken up about it? To think that he won't shoot the OP if she breaks his heart or not or whatever is pretty naive. If he did it once, he'll do it again. I dislike people who try to rationalize actions committed by people who aren't right in the head.
I hope you know I was being sarcastic...that's how girls end up dead is guys like that who don't realize how irrational it is to be that upset...
I'm glad other people are burying you.
Seems like a nice enough guy.
It will definatly make for a very healthy relationship.
He'll seem nice from 100ft away once she gets a restraining order...
If he is comfortable enough to confess that to you, he must have enough trust that you will love him anyway.
By confess you mean more like threaten. Like "think twice before you break my heart."
It says nothing about her liking him. Sounds more like a " I like you, you like me, don't you?.... DON'T YOU!!!??"
Or he's a belligerent psychopathic whack job who is threatening OP with violence. I say run, run, run like the wind OP!!!
Get out while you can!
You better run, better run, faster than his bullet…
Try on to tell him through text or on any special event like his birthday. Say it as nicely as you can which with breakups is nearly impossible.
Breaking up through text-BAD IDEA breaking up in a special event- EVEN WORSE IDEA it just ruins the whole day for them and would probably make them even more pissed at you
I would go buy a bullet proof vest... Just to be on the safe side.
A bullet proof vest doesn't protect your entire body?!
53- You seriously can't be that dumb..
That would be sarcasm... I forgot people are that dumb lol
Do you mean immortal?
You're in Canada. It's extremely difficult to own a gun and even if you do, it's almost impossible to store it in such a way that would make it easy for someone to use it. Check to see if this man has a gun license (restricted, unrestricted or hunting) that would tell you if he even CAN own a gun. If he doesn't, then call the police or Crime Stoppers or something similar and inform them that this man 1) possibly owns an illegal firearm and 2) may even use it illegally
Edit. My apologies. Nothing to see here. Move along.
I live in canada. It's not that difficult to own a gun, however you are correct about the storage. But if you really want your gun it's as easy as unlocking a filing cabinet, so by no means it that going to stop someone who is motivated. That said, I had an ex-girlfriend who called the police saying I threatened her (I did not) and believe me. The police take this VERY seriously. It was a pain in my ass but things worked out eventually. If you are concerned and have evidence (texts , e-mails) he will go to jail no question!
i think you should catch a plane right now
Keywords pressure.
Get out while you can!