Always prepared

By emasculated 10000% - 04/05/2013 17:05 - Sweden - Ljungby

Today, I was out with my grandma when a pair of very shady guys approached us in the street, hands in their pockets. Without breaking stride, she pulled a knife out of her handbag and told them they'd better keep walking. They did. What the fuck, gran? FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 825
You deserved it 7 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be proud! Not many people can truthfully say that their grandmother is an actual badass.

yuup96 11

fyl? naaah f their life! they were just dominated by a grandma. she's a boss!


That is awesome! That would make me feel better about my grandma being safe, if she stood up for herself like that. Badass granny! :-)

rokolodo 10

Grandma just saved life. U owe her. Then again maybe not, ur grandma maybe psycho.

dude your gran is a bad ass you should be proud.

The knife was just a warning. If they would've came any closer she might've had to use the 9mm she's packing in her bag.

larsak 3

Your grandma is a boss. Be glad she didn't pull a gun out of her bra!

Oh man this may be the funniest fml I've read! Man I wish I could be that badass when I grow old!!!

Don't question the power of the gran! She just saved both your asses! We should all be so lucky to have a knife wielding granny.

Gangsta Grandma don't give a shit.