Stranger Danger!
By tried to help - 07/10/2019 00:01
By tried to help - 07/10/2019 00:01
By Tmo - 12/08/2023 08:00
By jessloveskate - 22/06/2022 12:00
By LGFLIPSTER - 31/08/2009 03:32 - Canada
By notgoodwitholdpeople - 23/05/2014 16:00 - Singapore - Singapore
By Anonymous - 16/04/2020 17:00
By notapedobear - 13/01/2011 08:21
By UglyGirl - 08/11/2015 09:34 - United States - San Francisco
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada
By thegirlofthedad - 29/01/2013 09:48 - India - Mumbai
By WTF is all I ask - 27/07/2012 23:55 - United States - Mcallen
better to be safe than sorry
better be safe than sorry cause you never know who that person is that is taking the child it could been easily a stranger instead a pissed off grandma
Exactly! A kid screaming "Help! You’re not my mommy!” provides reasonable cause for calling 911, and the grandmother should be held legally accountable for the blows he had to fend off.
Tbh, I’d have asked the woman her relationship to the child before calling police. Generally, kidnappers are more friendly and kind to children their trying to abduct so as not to cause a scene like you witnessed. If grandma was handing kid roughly, it’s typically someone the child is related to or is taking care of the child. Your heart’s in the right place; next time just think about the situation before acting to rashly.
In response to this, i'd like to point you in the direction of the case of James Bulger, a 2 year old boy in England abducted and murdered by two 10 year old boys. A grandmother stopped the boys as the little one was crying and asked if they were related to the little one. They told her they were his brothers and looking for their mother or something like that. Unfortunately the grandmother didn't wait around and call the police as her grandchild was making a fuss and she made the mistake of accepting it. She will forever feel that guilt that if she had stopped them from taking the boy, he wouldn't have been tortured and killed and would be 29 years old now. Its a very very sad case, but one that shows you're wrong in saying to not act rashly and ask the relationship first, because if 10 year old boys can lie and get away with it to end up killing another child, then you can bet an adult would be able to lie just as well. Good on OP for acting.
You were brave enough to stand behind a car to prevent her from taking off, but lacked the balls to confront a granny in the store where you could make a difference? You should have just move over several aisles and just crouch down and snivel until the danger passed.
Like so many armchair heroes until you've been in that situation you have absolutely nothing worth listening to to say on the matter.
Kids are getting younger & younger these days when learning that they can easily get adult relatives into trouble by claiming to be abducted or that they can't be disciplined when threatening to contact Child Services. The proverbial pendulum has swung the other way per intra-familial relationships.... :-(
better to be safe than sorry
better be safe than sorry cause you never know who that person is that is taking the child it could been easily a stranger instead a pissed off grandma