America! F*** yeah!

By scarredforlife - 08/08/2009 01:34 - United States

Today, it was my mom's birthday, I planned to wish her a happy birthday as she woke up. I opened the door to her room, only to see my dad dancing around in an American flag thong. Grimacing in pain, I closed the door right away. Not only am I forever disturbed, but now my dad is asking me how he looks naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 230
You deserved it 7 221

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What has been seen cannot be unseen, sadly. *shutters at the mere thought*

taz1 1

Well at least he's patriotic...


Let's face it that's probably not the wosrt thing you've seen but it will be burned in there until you get altzhiemers and well we all know how that ends fyl

_electricbonbon 0

YDI for being in pain somehow by seeing your dad in a thong, you little wuss. Disturbed is understood. Go put a Hello Kitty band-aid on that invisible boo boo bitchface. Aaaaand YDI for thinking having a thong on = naked.

MiniatureMayhem 0

Well, I say grimacing in pain is a bit exaggerated... but FYL.

AndelleRae 9

FYL and YDI. No one needs to see that, but you seriously need to learn to knock, so as to avoid situations like this entirely. (Well, I guess not entirely, as it's possible your parents could be into that sort of thing.)

There is way too much information in this post. If anyone involved finds this, they will know exactly who posted it.