America! F*** yeah!

By scarredforlife - 08/08/2009 01:34 - United States

Today, it was my mom's birthday, I planned to wish her a happy birthday as she woke up. I opened the door to her room, only to see my dad dancing around in an American flag thong. Grimacing in pain, I closed the door right away. Not only am I forever disturbed, but now my dad is asking me how he looks naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 230
You deserved it 7 221

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What has been seen cannot be unseen, sadly. *shutters at the mere thought*

taz1 1

Well at least he's patriotic...


Honestly, what the hell do you think your mother wants for her birthday? Some snot-nosed kid yelling "Happy birthday!" or "Surprise!" and reminding her she's old, or her husband stripping and doing something special for her? YDI for not giving her privacy

XkassieX 6

Oh shut up celebrate her being alive I take it people don't do that for you

You should have knocked. Manners don't cost anything.

Sunako_fml 9

Should have knocked first. Btw, for those who are saying she deserved it, at least give a good reason besides idiotic comments (aka those 2 above me).

don't they have manners where you're from. Knock. Idiot. And... OH NO!!!! You're parents have a SEX LIFE!!! Good Lord! Call the police!! How do you think you came about??

XkassieX 6

Don't be a dick about things. They can have a sex life its just I don't wanna see it. There are just some things in life I really don't wanna see. It's not me being a bitch or some pussy, it's me not wanting to see my parents Doing the bone dance. Sorry if that is too much to ask for.

XkassieX 6

Some stuff should be kept in privacy, even though we all know it happens. We don't need to see it happen.

Which is why you knock before going into your parents room dumbass. Or are parents not allowed any privacy at all? Grow up. Most parents have sex. Get over it.

netbeui435 3

knock next time dipshit. get over yourself.

Theguybehindyou 0