America! F*** yeah!

By scarredforlife - 08/08/2009 01:34 - United States

Today, it was my mom's birthday, I planned to wish her a happy birthday as she woke up. I opened the door to her room, only to see my dad dancing around in an American flag thong. Grimacing in pain, I closed the door right away. Not only am I forever disturbed, but now my dad is asking me how he looks naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 230
You deserved it 7 221

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What has been seen cannot be unseen, sadly. *shutters at the mere thought*

taz1 1

Well at least he's patriotic...


YDI for not knocking seriously I always knock before going into my parents' room just because my brother didn't knock one time and walked in on them

tbrayspena23 0

AWK-WARD thats pretty sexy if you ask me though.

conan6 0

A thong? Could have been much worse.

Whirling_Kumquat 0

"Grimacing in pain" because of your BONER! You know you enjoyed it.

Lol nice one. Yea I did pick FYL but I think I shoulda went with YDI. Knock next time, and no I don't mean knock while you're walking in. It defeats the purpose

Well, just be polite and tell he looks good for his age (add 10 years onto his age just for laughs). Then ask him to NEVER MENTION THE TOPIC AGAIN!

Sorry but YDI for not having the decency to knock first. It is sweet of you to want to wish your mom Happy Birthday, but please remember your manners next time. That way you could avoid awkward situations like this one. Better luck next time!!! ;-)