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And you ask find yourself, "Well, how did I get here?"

By soontobesingle - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Sherborne

Today, my husband called me, saying he was in the hospital with a friend who'd just broken his arm. Too bad I then heard a female voice in the background mutter, "She'll never buy that". FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 037
You deserved it 4 416

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AbstraktThoughts 13

Tell him that he's about to have another broken arm.

KY_Jelly 10

That really sucks. And she must be a moron to speak while he's on the phone with his wife.


hanielfavela 6

Sarcastically say, oh poor baby.. And when he gets home brake his arm for real! Teach that man how to be a man!!

his FRIEND he said broke his arm, not him

hanielfavela 6

Oh yea that's right.. Brake his arm anyway. This is what happens when you scheme through stuff, people wont let it slide. Y'all get my point right?? He's still a dishonorable man, brake his damn arm!

Break. BREAK his arm. Unless you plan on OP applying a mechanical brake on her husbands arm. Smh

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

good god! get off of haniel's balls!!

sofitina 20

Husband's* Shaking My head.* Don'tcorrect someone if you make mistakes as well.

deet124 11

May I suggest a good ass whooping to the both of them?

sarajane18 9

What an asshole. You'll be better off without him op!

I am so sick of cheaters. Wtf do they even get married for?? So sorry that happened to you, OP. leave him, PLEASE! It always happens again. I've been there. And so have a lot if people I know. It'll be harder the longer you stay.

For cheaters it's either about control or the thrill of doing something without getting caught. 90% of human beings are totally ****** in the head. Get used to it.

You've got to realize, cheaters especially after marriage, don't go out and say "Oh hey, I feel like cheating today". Somewhere along the line, OP and her Husband let a little space in the relationship, this space opens, and suddenly there's a little window there. It's not like any of the two want to step out through the window, but somewhere along the line, another lady stepped in, one that gave the OP's Husband a little more attention in the area OP was lacking, hence the window. OP, I do not advise you to get a divorce, getting it once will only make it easier the next time, thus harder to keep a permanent relationship. Remember, it's not like he just decided he's going to cheat on you because, well "it's today, and I want to cheat", nope that's not how it works. Somewhere there was a window left open between the two of you. Instead of opting for divorce because you highly suspect him cheating, try to fix that gap and close that window. I'd. Recommend marriage counseling. A marriage is not something you pitch in the garbage because there was a flaw. So try and work it out, see what you and him both can do to fix it. I hope it goes fine - Good day :D

I beg to differ on your idea of there being space that leads to cheating. My ex husband cheated on me & his reasoning was he "could love more than 1 person" but I couldn't have even so much as a male friend at work. I do agree on the control aspect, but there wasn't a moment I pushed him away until I found out about his infidelity.

Normally, I would agree with you 100% 81. I think way too many people in this world get married for the wedding, and then discover that marriage itself isn't a walk in the park and decide to get a divorce. However, infidelity tends to be the kiss-of-death for many marriages - even couples willing to work THROUGH it together have a hard time. And that's only when the wronging person (the husband, in this case) takes accountability for their actions and the hurt they've inflicted. Do I think people can change? Yes, I do, but there needs to be an understanding of their failures. And by the sounds of it, if her husband IS cheating this man isn't interested in telling her. So while working through it is all well in good, OP very well may not want to. Working through something like that is an uphill battle, and she really needs to decide if it's worth it. Sometimes, it's really not. And I don't know if you intended it or not, I don't really believe you did, but your comment comes off as a bit apologetic for the husband. No matter what bitch is stepping through that window, a faithful man would have turned her down. He was in the wrong, point-blank. Never, EVER has there been a case where sleeping with a third party has HELPED your marriage.

hooligyn123 18

.. Or instead of being a spineless jackass if the husband felt there was some "window" "distance" whatever you want to call it, he could have worked on the problems with OP. Seriously why is communication so hard over sleeping around. Hell or take the route a buddy of mine did. He realized he was going to sleep with a girl at a party he was at and had the balls before hand to call and break up with his GF. Not exactly what I'd call good, but there is still no excuse for cheating....

error404n0tf0und 21

plan some mischievous scheme of revenge! ever watched home alone?

on tonights episode of, “Slow Husbands, Smart Mistress"

definitely better off without him. Even if he's not cheating he's clearly very comfortable lying to you.

Well look at this way she has done you a favour and exposed the lying cheater for what he is. Get him where it hurts most the hip pocket and by that I mean in the divorce take him for everything. :)

Maybe he's planning to throw you a surprise party? Or he wants to get you a super awesome surprise present and has asked a woman friend for help to make sure he doesn't screw up? Yes, maybe he's cheating, maybe there's more to this fml than what's written here, but it'll be pretty embarrassing and trust-breaky if you accuse him of cheating when he wasn't...