It was the painkillers, I swear

By laurenh211 - 17/11/2020 17:02 - United Kingdom

Today, my husband came home from the hospital after having painful surgery, so I decided to make him a nice big breakfast. As I was taking it up to him, I heard a message on the phone. It was from one of his nurses. She was accepting his offer of a date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 282
You deserved it 85

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like he's gonna need more surgery after you shove that nice big breakfast up his ass.

to be fair if it was a major surgery he might have been really high and not meant any of it. medical grade anesthesia is no joke. if he's never given you reason to worry before I don't see this warranting more than a serious talk.


Looks like he's gonna need more surgery after you shove that nice big breakfast up his ass.

Shove it up his ass. Send him to the nurse with a note that says “Here I made breakfast for the both of you. You’ll find it up my ex husbands ass”

to be fair if it was a major surgery he might have been really high and not meant any of it. medical grade anesthesia is no joke. if he's never given you reason to worry before I don't see this warranting more than a serious talk.

Sara Niemantsverdriet 12

Could be anaesthetic recovery and painkillers though, so I wouldn't be going too crazy until you get more information. Last time I had a general anaesthetic I kept begging for someone to bring me a banana smoothie afterwards. Two problems with this: I'm lactose intolerant and I can't stand banana, to the point that even the smell makes me want to vomit. I have no memory of this happening and wouldn't believe it if my sister hadn't taken a voice recording of it.

First off, she's unprofessional as hell, secondly, maybe he was still under the effects of anesthesia or meds when he asked?