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Are you my new mommy?

By Anonymous - 05/02/2010 21:07 - United States

Today, I was anxiously waiting for the guy I had a crush on to pick me up for our first date. He shows up with his son, whom I never knew about, and takes us to Chuck E. Cheese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 866
You deserved it 5 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

is that really a problem? better know now then later

BadPinkKitty07 0

I really can't think of anything more romantic than soggy pizza and a man in a sweaty mouse costume. the hyper kids and vomit hidden in the strangest places in the play place is just a plus.


realggirl 0

FYL for having a fun loving out of the box date with a little originality to spice things up a bit. Oh, just noticed the part about his son. Never mind, that actually is a FYL. Lol, my mistake.

Djv? Stop replying to the top to be seen. Ohshi- I'm a hypocrite.

lol he was the second one to comment on the whole damned post anyway :P

shyt i didnt think that was a big deal.

u should do more homework on ur crush. who has a crush as an adult neway? haha.

dudeitsdanny 9

Maybe theyre in high school. Or college. Some younger adults and teens have kids.

here is a thought. at least you found out on the first date rather than date #23.

is that really a problem? better know now then later

Reyo 2

Same. Would you rathor he have hid his son from you untill a good year into the relationship? Besides, it could've definately been worse, as this site has taught us. At least he didn't rub your stomach and say "Soon this will be plump with my seed." He's a guy who loves his kid...and if you translate that into "creepy stalker rapist" then he's definately not the one with the issues here.

Agreed. I think it was sweet that he let you meet his son. Also, maybe I'm just a giant kid but...that's a pretty awesome place to go on a date. "Move over kids, let me show you how a pro dives in the ball pit."

BadPinkKitty07 0

I really can't think of anything more romantic than soggy pizza and a man in a sweaty mouse costume. the hyper kids and vomit hidden in the strangest places in the play place is just a plus.

nice atmosphere description. also, sticky floors.

I only went to Chuck-E-Cheese once. Personally, I liked Putt-Putt golf before they closed.

Don't forget the dirty diapers and used drug needles at the bottom of the ball pit!

Haha I usually found epic lootz in the ball pen

Craw25 0

how romantic lol jk that really sucks

I'm sorry, you thought it was a date? lol

dudeitsdanny 9

It wasnt a date, you were babysitting. Anyways, bettter now at Chuck E. Cheese's than in 6 months at Denny's

perdix 29

Good callback, but wasn't it an IHOP?

dudeitsdanny 9

Oh, right! Haha. Crappy breakfasts are crappy breakfasts =P

ipooprainbows 0

if it's only the first date, so what that he just now told you about having a child. that's usually when info like that is disclosed anyway. unless you've known him for a while. but still.... in my opinion, a first date is kinda soon to be meeting the kids. i prefer to wait until we're sure the relationship is going to last. kids get close to you, then get heartbroken if you suddenly stop coming around. it's sad! i say F the kids life

Depends how old the child is. If his sons only 2-3 years old, meeting someone once isn't going to form a lasting impression on him. Sounds to me like this guy is being straight up... "I have a kid, he's very important to me, and if we're going to date you'll have to deal with it, and deal with going to Chuck-e-Cheese occasionally."

well... I guess since it's just a crush you'd be surprised but I really liked a guy I'd be honored if he trusted me enough to share his child with me.... guess you're not too serious about him which is fine... I guess...