Are you my new mommy?

By Anonymous - 05/02/2010 21:07 - United States

Today, I was anxiously waiting for the guy I had a crush on to pick me up for our first date. He shows up with his son, whom I never knew about, and takes us to Chuck E. Cheese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 860
You deserved it 5 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

is that really a problem? better know now then later

BadPinkKitty07 0

I really can't think of anything more romantic than soggy pizza and a man in a sweaty mouse costume. the hyper kids and vomit hidden in the strangest places in the play place is just a plus.


Kockdiesel 0

so he's a good dad, what's wrong with that? your life was F'ed before your date.

People use the word "proceed" too much when telling stories. It stopped adding comedic effect a few years ago.

djaeb2001 3

I was there on a date tonight!

perdix 29

Oh, Thank God, it's not just me! I used to take my daughter and I thought the pizza was surprisingly good. Not the best, but pretty good and a lot better than some of the full-time pizza chains.

u are shadey woman. it's good to see a guy caring for his kid these days. that shows character.

maxgray 0

Maybe he's a father who cares about his son and doesn't want to push him in the background just for a date. The fact that he brought him along for the first date shows that he wants whoever he dates to know that his son is very much part of his life. If you consider that to be a problem and call it a FML than it sounds like you are the one with issues. If he's wise, he'd ditch your selfish behind ASAP.

stormin972 0

So what. You guys weren't dating before. Obviously you don't know enough about him.

at least you got to play with balls? is what I would say if they hadn't taken out the ball pits ... damn chuck e cheese ruining good puns!

sweet chuck e cheese!!! I haven't been there in a long time. I'm jelous

dudeitsdanny 9

I miss it! Haha. I haven't gone in like a year.. I'm 19. =P