Arrest them!

By chris - 14/06/2011 05:10 - United States

Today, I saw my bike locked outside a Starbucks down the street from my house. It was stolen about 10 days ago from my communal laundry room. There was even a cop parked across the street, but I have no proof to show that bike even belonged to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 900
You deserved it 3 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sxe_beast 11

Are you sure its your bike? You do know that bikes are mass produced. If you're absolutely sure its yours then take it anyway, lol. Break the lock and run [or bike]!

I once had something stolen from me, I caught the guy and made him eat my poo and then made him eat his poo with my poo in it


strangelitlekid 3

Well shit. This makes me worried. I park my bike outside a Starbucks when I'm at work. Good thing my bike is registered. And I had the reciept untill I washed it along with my wallet. Ha...

how do you know it's your bike? and don't leave it were you can't see it or have it unprotected!

how you know for sure it was yours? they make more than one bike like yours. you should've put one if those license plates that they make for bikes.

There is a special spot in Hell reserved for bike thieves.

herrerwl 2

Don't you have your bike registered and licensed with the city?

If theres was a cop across the street you made the right call not stealing it back. Can you imagine? "I promise officer, it IS my bike. HES the one who stole it!" Hehehe

jjames7543 13

Well, if you want the bike that bad without the cops catching you, secretly follow them to their house... ...but that would be creepy if you did that.

bobsonanna 4

CREEPY??? He should take a baseball bat with him and make a bike out of the punkass who took it. Jeez, creepy.. It'd be creepy if he followed him and masturbated in the bushes.

jjames7543 13

I feel sorry for whoever crosses you the wrong way O.o

Daddymo 14

You should have added your own lock and came back for it with a hacksaw.

actually- if you reported your bike stolen- an then found your bike- I would have just asked the cop- maybe there was some kind of marking on it to prove it was yours? then he would have had to show proof that it was his.

Generally the only way to prove something is yours is to register the serial numbers somewhere and/ or keep the receipts. If OP didn't do that he can't prove the bike is his. If neither person can prove ownership of the bike, the bike stays with the thief. Even if you report the theft with an amazingly accurate description you won't get your bike back without proof it's yours.

petezmaru 0

If you bought your bike new, usually it come with a serial number which you can register w/ the police.