Arrest them!

By chris - 14/06/2011 05:10 - United States

Today, I saw my bike locked outside a Starbucks down the street from my house. It was stolen about 10 days ago from my communal laundry room. There was even a cop parked across the street, but I have no proof to show that bike even belonged to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 903
You deserved it 3 870

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sxe_beast 11

Are you sure its your bike? You do know that bikes are mass produced. If you're absolutely sure its yours then take it anyway, lol. Break the lock and run [or bike]!

I once had something stolen from me, I caught the guy and made him eat my poo and then made him eat his poo with my poo in it


no proof? of course you have proof. go up to the guy that stole. scare the shut out of him somehow, and voila. you got your proof. thieves have no confidence...

denversolo 0

Thats why you pay 2$ when you buy the bike to register it. Serial number is then on file, no problems.

HunterAlpha1 8

YDI for not keeping the receipt and registering the bike.

...So, always lock your bike and just show up with a key...

Right, but OP, when you steal it back there's no proof the bike isn't yours. You missed out.

i had the same thing happen to me, but luckily my bike was one of a kind custom made in another town, and my dad was with me, and he'd bought it for me

you should put a kryptonite lock on it!

HarrietPotter239 0

This is why I spray painted mine blue, and put a bunch of nerdy stickers on it. You can see me riding it from a mile away.