By dullstuff - 21/07/2011 12:34 - Belgium
Same thing different taste
By Amandajean32 - 05/08/2010 00:02 - United States
By getyourownbike - 12/05/2009 23:11 - United States
By Blue_Heart - 05/09/2015 18:47 - Canada - Brampton
By brokeasscollegelife - 20/11/2015 21:25 - United States - Tallahassee
By cwell88 - 21/06/2015 13:29
By Diesel - 03/05/2011 14:23 - Belgium
By Anonymous - 23/12/2016 09:19
By UnluckyTeen - 22/10/2009 11:29 - Singapore
By TheJeremyMoe - 11/08/2019 14:00 - United States
iPod Classic, 7th Gen, 160 Go, the best ever
By abdominates - 23/10/2009 16:48 - Canada
Top comments
You should go crying to your mommy.
first comments have declined to an all time low.
Hey Katrina, want to start a conversation? Buuuut, to stay on topic (of this comment), you guys should try putting yourself in his shoes. Maybe he got wacked in the head from behind and nearly died trying to get his bike back.
I like eating cats
major pussy, no one is touching my bike son
Most ******* are from Belgium. Just try to prove me wrong.
53, France.
43 I like eating people who eat cats.
dude you left the key in the lock. enough said
43, ur a douche bag.
lool someone needs to learn karate from the maintenance man!
it's quite annoying when people complain about stupid first comments. don't like it, don't visit FML. that simple.
actually 88, 87 is complaining about people who complain about the first comment, he's not complaining about complainers who complain about complaining about the first comment.
98, your very welcome
just lol
just.... dumb
hey 58 try being original...
Katrina, I like your imagination and creativity but where does the dog come in?
91, It's a long story, but you asked. He (I'll assume that..) for that matter was at PetLand, home of the puppy mill dogs, crowded places, a really huge pedophile attraction overall. He was simply browsing the puppies, hoping to lure a young girl into his trailer, and he found a poodle. He had read online that poodles were all the well, rage. So he adopted him. PetLand failed to do any background checks and overlooked any sex offender history, as is their way when their main goal is profit. Well, that's how he got his puppy.
I'm a chick retard and I don't have a dog so great job making yourself look like an idiot..
settle down. tampons were created for a reason you know
People are so immature, gosh. She flipped out because I told her to be original, then I defended myself after being called a male pedophile... WOW
that's delightfully scrumptious
ahh ok good, that would be unfortunate. your purposeful spelling failure is quite amusing
alpaquette91 you might aswell shut up everything you say makes you sound like a whiny little baby... :x
2- You're not the only one
The comments of FML's isn't your diary.
you can already steel bikes in grand theft auto :P
**** off 22 that was very unessisary
unnecessary* happy trolls?
unnecessary* lol
jack someone (smaller than you) elses bike, at least it would be some self consolation
haha !
Grab that bike C.J
Hey I know what it's like to have your bike stolen. I recently had my two day old bike stolen while I was in class. it was even under a CCTV camera but the dolts operating the security of the college didn't have half the cameras turned on because it was during the day and 'no one would steal a bike mid-day'...
I had that shit happen to me, except I stole the bike to begin with and some hoodlum stole it from me a week later so j had to scout him out and steal it back ,minus the getting punched part and stolen from me again lol fyl son
that's a good word, twat.
you're heaps cute
Fight back?
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." -Isaac Asimov. I don't think fighting back would be the best course of action in this situation.
The best course of action: don't leave your key in the bike lock. Of course, that won't deter all thieves, but it would definitely help.
243-No, spamming doesn't do a damn thing.
I'm sure there's a license plate on that bike that screams out OP's name. If not, there's always that quote: "what's yours is mine and what's mine is mine too."
bikes are surprisingly unique only one I've seen one like mine and it but there's little things like certain scratches you remember for whatever reason
we can assume there was something identifying about it. perhaps they had it repainted, damage to a particular area, paint scratches etc. its not difficult to identify your own property when its something you use all the time as it picks up identifiers. this however assumes the OP isnt a complete moron, so it could go either way.
Knee him in the balls and take back your bike.
well you have to rip off the bicycle seat and see to it he is anally raped by the pole while he makes his get away ;)
I lul'd so hard. Good one.
That's an awesome Idea, #8 xD
I actually find it more comfortable that way. ;)
I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike.
good to know
BIIIcyclerace BIIIcyclerace...
I hate people like him. that's why I always carry around a pocketknife.
That is very smart, but scary for the people who do try to mess with you
not if its a hunting knife and you have a hunting license and you just happen to have the hunting knife on you for selfprotection in the event of an assualt, theft etc.
Dude your kidding me right?
It's not illegal to carry a knife at all. If you go to a placr like a store or something, that has a sign posted saying no weaponry/firearms whatever, then it IS illegal to have it, IF the blade is more tham 3 inches long. If it's shorter than three inches it technically doesn't qualify as a weapon. It's also illegal to have one at all in a federal building or past baggage check at an airport.
not necessarily true 211. 3 inches is the law in some states but in Texas its any folding, single edged blade < or = 5 and a half inches

Grand Theft Auto: Bike Edition
well you have to rip off the bicycle seat and see to it he is anally raped by the pole while he makes his get away ;)