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Ass man

By blaaargh - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Seymour

Today, my dad uttered the words, "You gotta admit, your mother's got one hell of an ass." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 575
You deserved it 2 323

Top comments

Then, with a deranged look, you replied, "Bro, don't get me started on how comfortable and spacious her uterus is."

Lol your dad is the real MVP! Atleast he's still got the hots for your mum. Can't say the same for a lot of couples out there.


I hope you at least are an adult, cause if your dad asked you this if you are a teen. A weird part of your life is about to happen.

LT_Silva101 18
Swandive235 27

Even though it's weird for the kid, every generation of kids are weirded out at their parents sometimes.

haha well thats just a bit much dad xD

Good to know he's still interested in her

Lol your dad is the real MVP! Atleast he's still got the hots for your mum. Can't say the same for a lot of couples out there.

Awkward situation, but good news, really. Most couples are not like this, and even a good portion of them that stay together for long periods aren't really "attracted" to their partners anymore; they've just grown accustomed to being with that person.