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By Anonymous - 02/11/2009 17:48 - United States

Today, I went to get a haircut. The hairdresser at the counter was kind of cute, so I had to say something non-standard. When she greeted me with her hello, I replied, "Guess what I need from you today?" She looked at me, considered, and replied, "An eyebrow wax?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 462
You deserved it 39 949

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Were you expecting "*******?" Hey, she just spotted an obvious problem and suggested an easy fix.

try getting a better pick-up line next time ...


What were you expecting "sammich"? YDI

okay the_pleb, you're already #11, did you really need to reply to get even further up top? thats so f*cking annoying, why do you care if peopl say your name first??

Your #13, unlucky Now go get your girlfriend to get you a sammich and a chillax pill

Flamersplamer 0

moron can't help it, it is a pleb.

What on earth is a pleb? Lol at you OP. What sort of response were you expecting?

SueSylvester_fan 0

Smooth move, ex-lax. hahah! I always wanted to say that

Ligerie 0

What was you're follow up line going to be if she said "I don't know" or something?

perdix 29

Were you expecting "*******?" Hey, she just spotted an obvious problem and suggested an easy fix.

haha fail but hey just because you have bad eyebrows doesn't mean you're ugly or anything...look at old pictures of george harrison, his eyebrows were a disaster, but he was still gorgeous(=