Good sport

By whatthef - 02/11/2009 18:06 - United States

Today, I found out that my fifty five year-old uncle had taken my phone and texted my girlfriend, saying ,"I'm his uncle, send tit pics." She did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 731
You deserved it 3 014

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Skull_300 0

Please forward this message to her...."We are Whattheef's online friends, send us tit pics too!!!"


i have a confession...............i am the uncle *GASP* :O

sum ppl r just ***** n wanna share their bodies with every1 YDI for picking a slutty gf

cheerloveyou 0

did you seriously have to write in "text talk"?!

Skull_300 0

Please forward this message to her...."We are Whattheef's online friends, send us tit pics too!!!"

perdix 29

So, does he approve? It's good to get buy-in from the men in your family. Especially the perverted ones. Were the tit pics good, or did she have to Photoshop them?

fireobsessed 0

probly Photoshop if not he would sa so

ninjobliveus13 0

that actually sucks pretty bad... don't worry though your uncle didn't have enough Viagra to use those pictures for their intended use

getreadysetfml 0
jbm0225 0
armybarbie 1

time for a new girlfriend maybe?

zumiez069 5

Who wouldnt want a gurlfriend thst sends pics when ever u want?