Bad hair day

By Faithy - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got flustered because my hair straightener wasn't working. It took me fifteen minutes to realize I hadn't turned it on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 915
You deserved it 49 011

Top comments


randomchickkk 0

it's happenned before.. when I was halfway through straightening and it automatically shut off

Sukismama 2

Thank you! It happens at least someone besides me knows it. All you others are mean.

Zombieslayer1 0

I'm guessing your blond, right?

XxMaseratiGurlxX 1

you spelled blonde wrong :)

I'm guessing you are too given that you can not even spell blonde

Blonde can be spelt with or without the 'e'

blonde is french blonde is the feminine and blond is the masculine

smileyxo4 5

I thought the difference was this: You would say: I am blonde. orrrrr I have blond hair . like adjective vs. noun? I don't know if that's right though .

guckylynn 19

I'm guessing you don't know how to use homophones, right?

maria4234 2

I'm blond and I KNOW im more intelligent than you.

dude stop dising blondes there not that bad some dick just thaught it would be funny and its not dont be that dick ok punk

Zombieslayer1 0

People, people, people! Although I lament now leaving out the "e" it can't be helped now. I am not blonde, but have many blonde friends, and let me just state here and now that they are all gooftards! Are they dumb? No.

MdMan2 23

Are you blonde? Because it's "you're" and "blonde", not "your" and "blond".

haha flustered :) It makes getting angry sound cute! That was kind of dumb, that's one of the first things I check. But I know how frustrating it can be when hair straighteners don't work. My hair looks horrible without one!

i cant stand that word it totally defuses what its supposed to mean, being angry

I think I've done that with an iron before. Was tweaking the steam settings the whole time.

haha yeah buddy rockin the sex hair

mtlooney225 0

Go for the bed-head or sex-hair. I hear it in right?? haha

KatrinaKitten 16

Someone doesn't quite grasp the concept of sarcasm.

lilmisslovely13 15

42 is just mad that 10 stole they're comment. JK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

victor69er 0
laurbear12 3

This is not surprising to me at all. People leave their computers unplugged and call tech-support to ask "Why won't it work?". People have ceased to amaze me.

dmmcintyre3 8

my brother does that all the time with a switched outlet and his laptop.