Better before than after

By Anonymous - 25/04/2015 07:57 - United States - Helena

Today, my girlfriend confessed that she'd leave me for her ex in a heartbeat. Tomorrow is, or should I say "was", our wedding day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 031
You deserved it 2 406

Same thing different taste


Wow, that must have been devastating. I'm not even gonna joke about it, I'm extremely sorry this had to happen, OP. I wish she were everything you wanted her to be. I hope this doesn't deter you from finding somebody who is.

you're better off without her... Better today than tomorrow... hope you're fine though OP !

Better now than married and wondering why she left you for her ex. Still sucks though, especially since it was so close to the wedding date.

i bet they'll become exes again and she will regret this while you find someone worthy of you.

Wow, I am so sorry. At least you didn't marry her And have to deal with a divorce.

Ramos808 29

I can't believe she confessed something like this AFTER you were engaged to her. OP, you don't deserve her, and you will find someone much better than her.

dDailydDosage 8

Go out there and find someone who doesn't see you as a second option. Heartless bitch. She's the one that just lost something, you avoided future heartbreak and divorce lawyer money.

I hope a rat crawls in that bitches mouth and chokes her stupid ass! Sorry dude, but she's BIIIIIIIIIIGGGGG BITCH!