Biology lesson time

By Username - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my 16 year-old daughter tried to convince me that tampons don't actually work, all because she can still pee with one in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 061
You deserved it 5 943

Top comments

stroudie94 9

it's not to late to teach her... you still have two years before she is a certified idiot.

SteelCladAngel 0

what's with all the dumbass 16 year olds lately?


I'll be willing to give her an anatomy lesson

cheeeeeeers 3

so you mean I can pee with a tampon in ?????! ..... ha jk. but if no one ever told her, and shes 16 didn't have an anatomy class, how could she really know this?

Nwthatzfunny 9

And to think she is able to drive...I'm scared

hapy_pig098 13

Ummm... ^_^ sweetie make sure in the future you dont accedintly stick it up the wrong hole

kelseymill124 0

There's a different hole to pee out of.

michael666 7

you failed as a parent, its your job to teach your kid, DON'T COMPLAIN HOW STUPID YOUR KID IS, ITS YOUR FAULT FOR NOT TEACHING HER.

..when I was her age I didn't know you could pee with them in lol... Stupid, I know, but I didn't like wearing them up until I was 18

This isn't the daughter being an idiot nor is it the Mum's fault. It's really the awful Sex Education system that doesn't teach what needs to be taught quite like the germane anatomy.