Black Mirror

By Outandaway - 17/06/2023 10:00 - Switzerland - Bern

Today, a self check-in hotel charged me 50 bucks for an iPad charger I allegedly stole. On the security footage I can be seen removing a charger. It was my own charger that I'd plugged in because the iPad for the check-in didn't work and the charger was missing. I even contacted the helpline about it, which can be seen on the footage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 843
You deserved it 97

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One word; sue. A Swiss lawyer can make them bleed way more than $50.

Hang on a sec, why the hell does a hotel room have cameras? That sounds like a massive violation of privacy.


Oh, so you placed an unauthorized charger into their socket? Sounds like a fire hazard and hacking (maybe it's a data-stealing charger?) A $50 fine is a slap on the wrist.

Tisinlovewithme 2

it’s obvious you don’t have a life atp and only come here to try and make others feel as miserable as you

One word; sue. A Swiss lawyer can make them bleed way more than $50.

Hang on a sec, why the hell does a hotel room have cameras? That sounds like a massive violation of privacy.