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Bondage prank [GONE SEXUAL]

By ldn - 21/03/2013 17:54 - Slovenia - Domzale

Today, my girlfriend confided in me that she wanted to try bondage. Since I trust her, I said sure. After I was tied to the bed, she tickled me until I pissed myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 738
You deserved it 12 990

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm guessing your not perdix because he'd have been bent over the bed with a glittery pink ***** in his ass.


alphatoomega 21

I think I'd enjoy that actually. Sorry you didn't.

Bondage is great! Idk about getting tickled.. Specially to the point of pissing yourself.. That's not so cool on OP's gfs part.. She should've been teasing/pleasing him!

dr_snow_bear 29

I'm so sorry to hear this! Doing any sexually related activity past someones consent is terrible.

I don't think the gf meant it as a sexual experience but a super funny prank that got way outa hand lol Sorry OP!

how do you say sorry to the OP only to write lol at the end? that was a bit contradicting don't you think?

I don't know about a prank, maybe she just wanted a golden shower.

Because the prank is funny, but it sucks he pissed himself. Why so serious?

I would never let anyone tie me up. We don't know her so she could have just stole things and left the house.

I don't get everyone who thinks this is funny. Tickling can be extremely painful and the laughing is just a reflex; it doesn't mean you enjoy it. Not to mention the embarrassment of pissing yourself in front of your gf and that it happened just because she thought it was funny/got turned on by it. I think if it was a girl who posted this and a guy who did the tickling, people would take this more seriously and talk about how the girl was violated.

9lashes 15

-105 this is where people come to get a good laugh. so thats probably why so many people are laughing

Maybe the girlfriend didn't care about safe words. Also, it did not help that the safe word was "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" backwards.

16 - Just spent like 10 minutes trying to say it. Had to write it out. That would be "suoicodilaipxecitsilijarfilacrepus?"

Reminds me of the movie Eurotrip xD "Bring out the testical clamps! Oh Crap! Flugan basja sbiner holzeen? do u mean Fluggaenkoecchicebolsen?"

16 - My ex-boyfriend not caring about safewords is how I ended up getting raped. It is NOT cool to ignore safewords.

70 you tried bondage before sex? Wth?? Lol or did he tie you up and let someone else rape you? You're so stupid, so you weren't ready for sex with your ex but you let him tie you up? What did you think a horny guy would do? How can there be any trust if you haven't even had sex! I don't get it!!

OP, your GF is awesome!!! Be glad she went for tickling instead of the wartenburg wheel!!

Peeing on yourself in front of your girlfriend is embarrassing. That does not make OP's girlfriend awesome.

I believe, he meant awesome in the sense that she went for something more subtle, rather than the -wartenburg wheel-. Which in THAT case, yes, awesome.

thosedogtags 8

Haha now that is hilarious! Maybe it's just me, but your girlfriend sounds like she's fun and has a great sense of humor. One day, you'll look back at that moment, and laugh! (:

Uh. Or he'll look back on this day as the day that he completely lost trust in his girlfriend and was turned off from something he otherwise could have potentially enjoyed. But ya know, same thing right?

thosedogtags 8

It's a "live and ya' learn" kind of situation. Now OP knows that no matter how much he loves or trusts his partner, NOT to let them tie him up. Besides, there are tickle fetishes and maybe that was the only way OP's partner could express it without embarrassingly having to tell OP that she does in fact have a strange fetish. Either way, neither of us are OP and neither of us would have handled that situation in the same manner.

bfsd42 20

#79, I'm with #60 on this one. Bondage is a lot of fun, but must involve a LOT of trust for it to be fun. All op's girlfriend did was prove she can't be trusted in sensitive or delicate situations and is willing to humiliate her boyfriend for a bit of a laugh on her part. If this was me, it could possibly be a relationship ender.

mansen 15

hopefully her sense of humour extends to sleeping on the pee side of the bed... You make me pee after I warn you, you sleep on the consequences. Only fair.

I'm guessing your not perdix because he'd have been bent over the bed with a glittery pink ***** in his ass.

thosedogtags 8

Hahahah oh god, thank you for that! xD

challan 19

Noor, that's so he can keep his sunglasses on.

My only question is does he take a turn? Or just receive.

perdix 29

#5, how can you say that?!?!! It's "you're!"

Oh since we have perdix which do you use, or is it both

Steve95401 49

She should tie you up with Depends next time.

KingCeltic77 18

Well you tried it for your girlfriend because she wanted you to. It's not your thing, but she should be thankful that you made the effort.

She then refused to lick chocolate syrup off your knob didn't she?

Hala noor. Too late m'dear. I've been watching you way before you noticed me. I now can predict your next move and beat you to it "creepy smile + stare"

bahahaha I was thinking the same thing

challan 19
olpally 32

Nice one. I giggled :) haha.

Sykes_1014 0

Bahahaha! Such a simple comment but genius:) you made my day:D