Bondage prank [GONE SEXUAL]

By ldn - 21/03/2013 17:54 - Slovenia - Domzale

Today, my girlfriend confided in me that she wanted to try bondage. Since I trust her, I said sure. After I was tied to the bed, she tickled me until I pissed myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 731
You deserved it 12 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm guessing your not perdix because he'd have been bent over the bed with a glittery pink ***** in his ass.


She hasn't said, that you'll be the dominant.

CaptainKrunk 1

Your girlfriend sounds awesome.

Mandie56 4

Dude, that's like worse than S&M....I mean like totally. I'd rather get whipped and Sh*t than tickled to death my GOD....oh my GOD that sounds like death.

edreice 1

This almost made me piss myself HAHAHAHA

That must have been humiliating, which is part of what bondage is about. She was only doing what you agreed to let her do!

First of all I almost pissed myself laughing. Second of all you should have went to the bathroom before hand lol FLY!

I'm guessing u don't trust her anymore.... U know get back at her and then get back to us

I've never laughed so hard at an FML! Thanks OP!:)

One reason why I hate being ticklish...