Born again

By lordoftheweird - 03/11/2023 09:00 - Canada

Today, my dad bought a Bible. He's completely illiterate and is basing his religious beliefs off people on TV saying "It's in the Bible." I miss bacon and am tired of explaining to people that he's an idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 459
You deserved it 87

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take some time off to read the Bible with him some day. Start from page one, and read EVERYTHING! Ask him to think about it and what it means on the way. Remind him of contradictions in earlier verses, and demand that he thinks about it. There is no other way to wake people up from religious brainwashing.

One can use religion to justify wonderful things or shitty things. Religion, like power, does not build character. It reveals it.


Take some time off to read the Bible with him some day. Start from page one, and read EVERYTHING! Ask him to think about it and what it means on the way. Remind him of contradictions in earlier verses, and demand that he thinks about it. There is no other way to wake people up from religious brainwashing.

Only one problem with that - Reading the Bible cover to cover takes a very long time and you start with the most mythical portion of the Bible and the least relevant to today or being a Christian. Either OP or their Dad would give up the readings far before it would do much good. Part of the root problem is that Dad is illiterate and relies on what other people “in authority” tell him his “beliefs” are or are supposed to be. Rather than dump the problem in OP’s lap to read 783,137 words and explain the meaning and inconsistencies to Dad; Dad needs to learn to read and to understand what he reads. I fully agree that “The Bible” can be used to justify almost any position you’ve already decided on - All you need to do is to cherry pick the segments that meet your preferences.

One can use religion to justify wonderful things or shitty things. Religion, like power, does not build character. It reveals it.

2deployments1divorce 11

The Bible is okay with you having bacon. Have a nice weekend.