
By Mom stop plz - 23/06/2024 02:00 - United States

Today, my mom has a habit of trying to pull out what she thinks are loose hairs in my beard. My beard hairs are actually just really, really long, not falling off. She'll confidently yank one that she thinks isn't attached, causing a sharp pain until she realizes it's attached. I don't know how to make her stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 408
You deserved it 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kltkiara 6

Yank a hair off her head every time she yanks one off your beard


Is just telling her to stop not an option?

You could try trimming your beard so all the hairs are the same length. Or just shave the whole think off. Your welcome.

kltkiara 6

Yank a hair off her head every time she yanks one off your beard

I think your mom wants you to shave your beard entirely. That's an attack on beard if I ever saw one.

Short of finding your own place (very difficult these days), wear a beard bib around her. Tell her in no uncertain terms you don't give her consent to touch your beard when the bib isn't on.

If you're old enough to grow a full beard, why are you still living at Mom's? Cut the cord. Otherwise, quit sniveling.

I was old enough to grow a full beard at 14, and could buy **** mags without being carded (those were the days), and started buying booze no problem at 16. Still lived with my parents then because ironically I couldn't get a job.