By Datingdisaster - 17/08/2018 01:30
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 05/11/2012 19:21 - United Kingdom
By lonerboner - 03/10/2012 13:47 - United States
By deewe - 13/05/2012 06:06 - United States - Ann Arbor
Where are you?
By Anonymous - 05/09/2024 06:00 - United States - Buffalo
By creepermagnet - 10/10/2009 19:16 - United States
By notnerb - 19/05/2009 10:13 - New Zealand
By Tiffosaur - 04/01/2013 06:12 - United States
First Dates
By Anonymous - 06/06/2014 22:44 - New Zealand - Auckland
By firstdategoals - 08/06/2015 03:35 - United States
By Anonyme - 06/04/2019 02:00
Top comments
I dont think that your life sucks. As much as i think he was a little bitch. One that had no manners.
Omg so sorry to hear that
I'm assuming he saw your picture or something before this? So you either hide what you really look like or showed him some old pictures. YDI
That’s better than having to waste an entire evening with someone who has zero interest in banging you.
I feel your pain, OP. Just think, though... it could be worse. He could’ve lied to you about getting something from his car, and stranded you at the restaurant.
OP - That’s pretty low class on the date’s part. But then I have to also wonder if you used current un-doctored pictures in your profile and if you did not much match your profile. While it’s shallow and tactless to act like date acted, false advertising is also a flaw. It might be tempting to post overly flattering and potentially dishonest information about yourself on a dating website or app in order to get more responses - That can lead to this scenario one way or another. Obviously I have no idea if date was just a judgmental jerk or if you had misrepresented yourself - Or if it was some of both. I believe that in the long run honestly describing yourself is the best approach. If you are not happy with that then work on becoming the person you want to be describing. I think that ought to apply to both men and women.

I dont think that your life sucks. As much as i think he was a little bitch. One that had no manners.
That’s better than having to waste an entire evening with someone who has zero interest in banging you.