Brain fogged
By boohoo - 16/12/2024 06:00 - Netherlands - Amstelveen
By boohoo - 16/12/2024 06:00 - Netherlands - Amstelveen
By creeped out - 12/06/2012 18:28 - United States - Smithtown
By SoccerBabe42 - 26/12/2011 12:11 - Canada
By LoveSucks - 18/05/2019 21:54
By Anonymous - 18/08/2009 16:25 - United States
By newmoongirl1036 - 13/07/2015 02:03 - United States - Chicago
By Anonymous - 26/11/2009 17:44 - United Kingdom
By OTZ - 26/01/2010 11:30 - France
By lextoast - 26/07/2015 18:15 - Rwanda
By Krissy - 12/10/2024 14:00 - United States - Fort Wayne
By fiercehawk - 18/02/2014 05:45 - United States - Fort Wayne
Well there is fraternal (I know I probably spelled that wrong. Never saw it or used it really.) twins and identical twins. Unless he told you already, there's nothing to be embarressed about. You were nervous and trying to make conversation. I'm sure he didn't mind it.
Damn, didn't see sister. Forget about that then. I'm still sure he didn't mind. Maybe he knew you were nervous.
You had a valid question. Twins can be identical or non identical. So feel proud :)
To all you guys saying op is an idiot because he is male and she is female they cannot be identical you are wrong. It is possible but its rare Monozygotic twins are genetically identical (unless there has been a mutation in development) and they are the same gender. (On extremely rare occasions, an original XXY zygote may form monozygotic boy/girl twins by dropping the Y chromosome for one twin and the extra X chromosome for the other.) Monozygotic twins generally look alike. Fine physical details such as fingerprints will differ. As they mature, identical twins often become less alike because of lifestyle choices or external influences. So to all you flaming the op just bug off it was a valid question So dont talk about stuff you dont know about
There is actually another strange collision of events which can cause monozygotic twins to be born with different genders; an XY egg can sometimes split in such a way that, while one twin remains XY, the other receives only an X, making them XO female (Turner's syndrome). That said, there have been a handful of confirmed cases of either of these throughout history; using such a thing as a suggestion that there was ever any probable likelihood that this was the case here is unreasonable. That is to say that there's a greater probability that the average person is a member of the British royal family than that they have a different-gendered monozygotic twin. I don't know about you, but I don't go around asking every British person that I meet whether they're related to the Queen, just like I don't go around asking every monozygotic twin whether their sibling is of a different gender; asking whether someone is part of a ridiculously small minority with no reason to suspect they are will get you an awful lot of raised eyebrows and funny looks.
I understand what you are saying but they should not call her an idiot for it even though it might have not been a smart question to ask it is valid and its not right to call her an idiot because it is possible
I fail to see why this is a stupid question. They could either be identical or fraternal, despite their sexes.
Don't worry about it. Not all twins are identical.
Don't worry about that sweetie, we've all done it. You have to admit, it is pretty funny :D Thanks for sharing.
Lol honestly you fail xD
Awkward.. but if the 'intelligent and handome' guy doesn't have a good enough sense of humour to not hold it against you, then you're probably better off without him :-)
I would probably do that too, honestly. He probably thought it was cute! If not...AVADA KEDAVRA!