Brain fogged
By boohoo - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Netherlands - Amstelveen
By boohoo - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Netherlands - Amstelveen
By creeped out - 12/06/2012 18:28 - United States - Smithtown
By SoccerBabe42 - 26/12/2011 12:11 - Canada
By LoveSucks - 18/05/2019 21:54
By Anonymous - 18/08/2009 16:25 - United States
By newmoongirl1036 - 13/07/2015 02:03 - United States - Chicago
By Anonymous - 26/11/2009 17:44 - United Kingdom
By lextoast - 26/07/2015 18:15 - Rwanda
By OTZ - 26/01/2010 11:30 - France
By Anonymous - 13/01/2025 13:00 - United States - Maryland Heights
By Krissy - 12/10/2024 14:00 - United States - Fort Wayne
Awkward.. but if the 'intelligent and handome' guy doesn't have a good enough sense of humour to not hold it against you, then you're probably better off without him :-)
Intelligent, handsome and a sense of humor? Come on, let's not get greedy now. Nobody's perfect.
i dont see how its that bad not all twins are identical.
Go on.....what comes after the comma?
I would probably do that too, honestly. He probably thought it was cute! If not...AVADA KEDAVRA!
Why are all of the Harry potter fanatics on today? I am one too, but still.
One post about Hogwarts and they leave dungeons and dragons to respond? For me it's World of Warcraft or cCivi 5. xD
I love Harry Potter I can't see pms as I'm on the app but I will fav this fml to see your reply! I have Harry's wand replica, did you get yours from noble collection? Also I want to visit The world of HP so much!!! Also sorry for going off topic fmlers :( forgive me
Get to know him more and you'll become more comfortable around him. I'm sure he found it, as people with feelings would say, sweet.
*Cute. Not sweet (I'm not very familiar with human feelings).
Nice new pic!
6/9 gota say I literally laughed for a good five min while reading your profile. Thanks for that.
Doesn't matter, had sex.
If one is male and the other is female, they are definitely fraternal; there were two eggs present and both were fertilized separately within the same womb, However they are no more alike than any other pair of siblings (genetically speaking) Identical is the exact opposite of fraternal; there was one egg fertilized by one sperm that later split resulting in two genetically identical children of the same sex. *cue nerd spew end*
Umm, if it is HIS twin sister, then they are fraternal twins. There's no might be and it doesn't make it a reasonable question. It is still an awkward and nervous first date question.
25- It's okay. I just figured that if you made it through 8th grade, that these things were common knowledge. Guess not -.-
10, yes it is a bad question. You are quite dim.
I know boy-girl twins who look identical, so it's a perfectly reasonable thing to ask. Obviously they're still fraternal twins but she could've played it off as just being curious to that. My school had about 15 sets of twins/triplets one year so I saw it all that year alone.
boy/girl twins are always fraternal
He's a keeper.
Why do people always say this??
35, someone has to. SkyBirdy decided to be that person.
It would be funny I he said yes and his sister looks very manly...
Well since she said he's handsome I'd doubt he looks girly
I hope that wasn't an impression that could ruin it. We all have our moments. "****. Did I really just say that...?"
Awkward.. but if the 'intelligent and handome' guy doesn't have a good enough sense of humour to not hold it against you, then you're probably better off without him :-)
I would probably do that too, honestly. He probably thought it was cute! If not...AVADA KEDAVRA!