By OTZ - 26/01/2010 11:30 - France
Same thing different taste
Back to the comfort zone I go
By Anonymous - 24/10/2024 09:00 - United States - San Diego
Never again
By Catsfordays - 20/08/2015 06:02 - United States - Yucaipa
Get it on, bang a gong
By Anonymous - 12/09/2019 15:00 - Bulgaria - Sofia
By LoveSucks - 18/05/2019 21:54
Money first
By Anonymus - 31/01/2020 20:00 - Canada - Warkworth
By newmoongirl1036 - 13/07/2015 02:03 - United States - Chicago
By SoccerBabe42 - 26/12/2011 12:11 - Canada
What the hell is even that?!
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Lake Forest
By Anonymous - 14/05/2016 15:48
Brain fogged
By boohoo - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Netherlands - Amstelveen
Top comments
Being good-looking, rich, and having many achievements tends to raise one's ego. Deal with it or move on.
^ balls
Having an ego is one thing, but he apparently couldn't stop bragging about it. I think most people would find that pretty annoying after a bit.
^ agreed
Twinklestar, you just like to argue about anything and everything.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayBeing good looking is by way of DNA and not something we control so in my opinion isn't something worth bragging about. Being rich by way of success should also come with a little bit of class and humility. I wouldn't worry too much about Mr. Money Bags...he's probably not worth his weight in gold.
My point exactly Twinklestar.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayComment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayPeople who blame their looks on their DNA are as annoying as fat people that think genetics are the reason they're fat.
I have commented on the FML already, darling. I have no problem with you or anyone else on FML, and I have just as much of a right to comment on the "irrelavant comment" towards you as you, I, or anyone else does to comment on anything else. Again, quit taking things personally and offensively. I'm trying to help you save face. Though I assume I'll get a response of "I don't need your help" or something just as immature. Point being, I'm trying to bring your attention to the fact that containsnosoy's comment most likely wasn't malicious, or nearly half as bitchy as you seem to think.
You are a retard. Where do you think everything about our bodies comes from, Mr. Freeze? If you believe that whether we are ugly or sexy beasts depends on magic, then you need to get an education.
and you wonder why he isn't taken yet
honestly you're the only one acting bitchy. no offense
agreed to the square
yah trick!
nope ur a dumbass
I said they were annoying mister Coolada, not incorrect. I'll take it that you are a retard for your inability to interpret my post correctly. I'm well aware that people are predestined to look like the offspring of their parents, but those who blame it on what they are born with, instead of making a damn effort to to work with what they got or physically change their appearance piss me off when they start whining about it. Just like the fat guy that blames his genetics are the reason he's fat while he chugs down a double whopper.
Containsnosoy's point was that I argue with everything, as agreeing with the OP apparently so blatantly indicates, and nothing to take offense to you claimed. If proving her point proved I was immature and bitchy then I guess you were wrong in saying there was nothing to take offense to. Way to contradict yourself idiot.
That is what is so cute about you Twinkle. What I don't understand is, if you were only stating your opinion and agreeing with the OP, why would you post it under someone else's post who just happens be against the OP? Twink, you have argued for days on at least two posts. On both of them, it feels as if you have not realized that just because two people hold different opinions/views on a subject, doesn't mean that one person is right and the other is wrong. This... rudeness you have? Not a way to do something. Which is interesting because even when you're not being rude, people have begun to down rate your posts. (love/7493189 and love/7394843) Twink's statement to Lem0n, "Untwist your knickers and comment on the FML rather than someone elses irrelevant comment to me?" is amusing because Twinks only posts on this particular FML is in reply to someone else's comment. ;) Some of my favorite quotes in Twink's honor: ""It's not important to their relationship that she has a child. " Twinklestar: That sentence alone made me not want to read any more of your novel-length entries. I won't bother elaborating because I'm sure you'll make me want to poke my eyes out with your responding diatribe." "@172, twinklestar and Kara youre all showing true selfish personalities right here." "Yeah, they expressed they're opinions, just like you and I are doing, but they never once said (or implied, since you seem to think implications are more important) that others should believe the way they do." "I think that the biggest problem that most people are having with your posts is the lack of maturity and respect that you are showing others. There are so many non-hateful ways that you could have expressed your views on not judging others rather than calling people names." "She basically said people are "prudish" and have "hang ups"" "I didn't say that."-twink "yes Twinklestar, you did say that." "I also didn't say I didn't use those words"-twink These four sentences sum your argument tactics.^ So yes, my first comment actually was rude, but I knew you wouldn't be able to resist not making an ass of yourself and insulting everyone along the way. Kudos. To be fair, for Twinkle to argue, another person has to argue back. Which is why this will be my last post in this thread. Like the first quote, I'd much rather poke out my eyes.. or, you know, do something productive. ;)
Jesus, are you retarded? What about my comment to the first commenter was contradictory? I was clarifying what the OP had said. Not disagreeing with them. People did down rate my posts in those comments. Interesting you noticed. It's obviously not the people I was arguing with seeing as we were pretty civil to each other and ended on good terms. Clearly it's not the people I'm arguing with who have a problem, just the people who can't actually make their point and are upset enough about it to butt in anyway like you. My comment wasn't irrelevant because it was about the FML. What about that do you find difficult to grasp? Do you not understand the meaning of the word "relevant"? Do you have reading difficulties? Dyslexia? Tell me and I'm sure we can work something out, like finding you a remedial English class or I could make an effort to use simpler words. I'm sure you think quoting me out of context is very clever. Asides from your one actual copy paste you don't seem to get the idea of quote marks. They're meant to be my actual words. You've just disproved anyone sticking up for you who didn't think you were being a bitch by admitting your comment was intended to be rude, proved that I was correct in my reply and you do have enough of a grudge to be "quoting" my comments from old FMLs and then finished it all by reminding anyone bothering to read your rants that you have already previously stated you wouldn't be reading any more of my comments by making that statement once again. Well done... I haven't often seen someone embarrass themselves and everyone defending their post in one go like that. ""It's not important to their relationship that she has a child. " Twinklestar: That sentence alone made me not want to read any more of your novel-length entries. I won't bother elaborating because I'm sure you'll make me want to poke my eyes out with your responding diatribe." *******#148 "@172, twinklestar and Kara youre all showing true selfish personalities right here." *******#179 "Yeah, they expressed they're opinions, just like you and I are doing, but they never once said (or implied, since you seem to think implications are more important) that others should believe the way they do." actually was: "Twinklestar, you're absolutely ridiculous. None of those people EVER said anything like "and you should think the same way I do." Yeah, they expressed they're opinions, just like you and I are doing, but they never once said (or implied, since you seem to think implications are more important) that others should believe the way they do. my reading comprehension is just peachy, it's you that's reading extra into what people are typing. so, once again, thanks for playing. you still fail. and you need to learn to NOT read into everything, because that's what causes you to look silly and preachy." *******#218 "I think that the biggest problem that most people are having with your posts is the lack of maturity and respect that you are showing others. There are so many non-hateful ways that you could have expressed your views on not judging others rather than calling people names." was actually: "Twinklestar, if you reread my comment you will see that I neither called the OP a ***** nor implied that she has loose morals, so I am unsure as to why you are implying that I did. I most certainly did not say it was “necessary.” All I said was that I found your hateful language inappropriate. I find all hateful language inappropriate and strive to not use it myself. As I stated that I disapproved of name calling and then refrained from doing it myself, I believe that my comment is neither narrow minded nor hypocritical. Perhaps you simply misread my post in your haste to defend yourself. I hope that is the case. I will agree with you on the one point that I believe you are trying to say on this board: People shouldn’t judge others. Commenters should not judge the OP for decisions that she makes regarding her sex life. After all, it’s not their life. Everyone has the right to make their own choices. What I find particularly ironic is that while you say you preach a nonjudgmental message, you pepper words and phrases like “prude” and “normal views on sex” into your posts in a very demeaning way. You are, in essence, judging others for holding views that disagree with your own. I think that the biggest problem that most people are having with your posts is the lack of maturity and respect that you are showing others. There are so many non-hateful ways that you could have expressed your views on not judging others rather than calling people names. While I disagree very much with calling the OP “a *****” I disagree equally with you calling people “prudish.” I realize that the internet provides an extreme amount of anonymity, which is perhaps the reason you are speaking in the manner that you are. I most certainly hope that you do not speak to people in person the way that you speak to them online. If you truly want to spread a message of refraining from judging other people I would suggest that you seriously revisit and modify what you are currently doing, because right now, you are not being perceived in a way that is beneficial to your message. Sorry for writing a book." *******#213 "She basically said people are "prudish" and have "hang ups"" "I didn't say that."-twink "yes Twinklestar, you did say that." "I also didn't say I didn't use those words"-twink" *******#159, #162, #169, #171
Notice, containsno never said he had a grudge against you... or that he was quoting you specifically.
WHOOOO CAAAAAAARES? Send messages to each other if you're going to respond over three times.
Sexy party!
Seriously... not just rich, but happily sccessful?! That's the icing on the cake! That's like being a pilot for an airline: $160,000 to live your dream?! hell yeah!!!
Actually lemon, I think "never giving it up" would describe contains desperate attempt to carry on their past grudges from previous FMLs where they couldn't make their point. I guess you're confused and what you meant to write was "Sorry, I didn't realise that contains was indeed intending be rude. as they just admitted". No problem lemon, you seem the easily confused type, no hard feelings. Eath, if you read up they said they intended it to be rude, and then they started carrying on an argument from an old FML, where they had actually addressed me there first as well. I'm not really sure what your definition of grudge is, but I think most people would consider that one... Contains, I don't really get what point you're trying to make by quoting other people. You're claiming I use hateful names, but in your massive all of text you couldn't quote anything, and you're still quoting me out of context. Oh... actually guessing from your comprehension so far you probably don't know what "out of context" means do you? It means to take one small thing I say, like a reply to someone calling the OP a ***** for sleeping with her bf in the first month and me saying it's prudish to expect everyone to have the same personal views as you, and quoting it without the context(the context here being what it was a reply to). And I haven't insulted everyone. The very minor slights you might perceive as insults if you're very sensitive have been directed at you and lemon. You're not actually everyone, you know that right? To be fair, you called me an ass and I only pointed out you were looking for an excuse to bitch, which you admitted you were. If you couldn't make your point in the last FML, why would you think you could here after everyone else has let it go, mostly on good terms? Anyway, wasn't the above your last post here? Can you stick with anything you say? At all?
Your (containsnosoy, twinklestar) egos arent everything.. just look at this FML and these arguments. Petty.
Ergh. Stay right away from men like that! Seriously! They won't ever stop, I know cuz I dated one for three months (couldn't do it any longer!!)
I thought you'd at least manage to respond with something that was remotely intelligible... Do you even know what you're trying to say any more?
I made an account just for the purpose of saying this: Twinklestar, shut the **** up already. Everyone's right, you just HAVE to keep arguing, don't you? And you claim you haven't been rude or insulted anyone, but every ******* post you make has underlying tones of pretentious **** written all over it. Just drop it for ****'s sake.
Are you so desperate you're making mule accounts now containsoy? From what I can make of your last post you were addressing yourself as an apparent third party. Containsoy or not, you have some pretty major issues to be making an(other) account because someone's "underlying" tone upsets you. You'd have to be pretty paranoid to imply a malicious underlying tone to my first comment, and containsoy(presumably you) already admitted their first comment had the intention of being rude, before making an attempt to keep arguing from a previous FML. Get a grip, yeah?
Yes, because this is *obviously* a conspiracy against you... like any of us care that much about you. It's painfully obvious that you would argue with someone until your fingers bled and you would still think you were 100% right the whole damn time. You're obviously smart enough to write fluid responses, so why not use your brain to take your head out of your ass and open your eyes?
Well you addressed yourself in the above post so presuming you were making mule accounts rather than someone else, who was apparently upset enough about my underlying intentions after you admittedly attempted to be rude towards me in my comment that had no underlying tones whatsoever to someone else, made an account to say that is not only logical, but also kind of giving you the benefit of the doubt that you don't have multiple personalities that address each other. You keep stalking the comments I make to other people, attempting to argue about old FMLs that you couldn't make a point in and viewing my profile so yeah, I think it's pretty safe to say you care, and way too much at that. Get a life, seriously.
You're way too into yourself.
Not to the point where I start making mule accounts to talk to myself though.
..and to explain my comment, not like you'd care anyways it goes like this: Your ego isnt everything.. just look at this FML and these arguments. Petty. then, to admit I'm at fault too, I changed it to: Your (containsnosoy, twinklestar) egos arent everything.. just look at this FML and these arguments. Petty. It's apparent I forgot to change Your to Our. So... why don't you continue reading into the nothing between the lines and accuse me for what you find. -------- Don't be flattered, I'm not stalking your comments. I follow my own comments. It's not like this site belongs to you and it's not as if nobody else reads anything written on this site. Oh no, I viewed your profile. Really? Come on... Now you're just pulling things out of your ass. "Get a life, seriously." ^are you not on here too? or does this exclude you because if you're doing it, it's okay? I'm getting a feeling that you're one of those people who just have to have the last word.
A normal person would change it to "(myself, twinklestar)". A person with multiple personalities or screwing up their attempt at mule accounts would say "(containsnosoy, twinklestar)". Sure looks like your stalking my comments when this is the 5th FML you've responded to my comments in with rude comments that are not related to the FML, not addressed to you and not even insulting anyone else. Peoples profiles show their last visitors. Over the last few days you keep getting refreshed as the most recent visitor. At least log out if you're going to pretend you don't. You're quoting crap from old FMLs. Walls of texts of quotes from FMLs you couldn't argue your point in. If me replying to your insisent whining in multiple FMLs where you can't let it go is needing the last word, I don't even know what you'd call your attempt of carrying on of internet arguments you couldn't win at the time. Stop embarrassing and contradicting yourself already.
Rofl. I'm not Contains. Honestly, I find both of you to be absolutely ridiculous and this argument to be the most petty and possibly immature thing I've ever witnessed in my life. Contains, quit arguing with Twinklestar. She's obviously a bit behind in the maturity department. And Twinklestar, yeah, your posts do have undertones of rudeness. Perhaps you don't see it, but if so, then you must have a blatant disregard for social cues. Whether you mean to or not, you ARE being a bitch. Same goes for Contains. So both of you shut the **** up and move on with your pathetic lives.
I think definition of "pathetic life" would be reading comments in an old FML and getting upset enough about the "undertones" to make an account and attempt to tell someone on the internet to shut up, as if you're someone anyone would listen to. You have yet to point out the rude undertone of "Having an ego is one thing, but he apparently couldn't stop bragging about it. I think most people would find that pretty annoying after a bit." Until you do, I'm going to assume you're a mule account because it's a bit ridiculous to think anyone is actually that over-sensitive and insane enough to feel the impulse to respond to that and none of the other far more offensive things you could find in almost any FML.
if he thinks of himself that highly take it as a complement that "your good enough" for him
Sorry but in my opinion you sound kind of snobby yourself. You only mentioned that he was "hot" and that he was rich and successful, and that shouldn't be the factors that determine a relationship. I don't think it would be right to say that he "would be perfect for you" based just on those qualities. So if you were one of those people that look for only hot and successful men, and don't think of personality, then YDI.
okay, I know this was a long time ago, but I really do not see why everyone was attacking twinkle. Contain was really the one who started the argument. If you actually read twinkle's comment, contain, Twinkle did not argue with anyone until you came along. It's ironic how you said that she argues with everyone when she was agreeing with the first post.
oh no it's the attack of the long comment battle,run my friends run before the boredom attacks.* Patiently waits for someone to bitch out* Also twinkleshit you happen to be snickerdoodles child?
twinkle and contains need to both pull the sticks out their ass's.
Can everyone just SHUT THE **** UP? Twinklestar, you're contradicting your own point by responding to these comments against you. if you just walked away or didn't respond, nobody here would hate you. But instead, you keep arguing and arguing and it's getting really God damn annoying. Thank you.
Twinklestar, please stop posting. thanks
First date? It can be the nerves? Try second date and decide afterwards....
what do you expect? no guy is rich acheived hot and modest as well :/
tell him to shut up! maybe it'll work
Or maybe he will go hang out with another girl.
haha at first I was like 'whaaat?' but then I realized you said 'he' instead of 'i' ha funny:P
If you base your relationships on being with a guy who is good looking, rich and has achieved in life, you have to expect them to be a little self-centred. YDI for being so shallow - base relationships on someone's personality and how well you get on with them, not the materialistic.
She didn't say he "brags a little". She said he couldn't stop bragging about it. Clearly she's disappointed he doesn't have the personality to match the other traits she likes.
I don't like you, #25, because you can't read at all. I require reading comprehension in a partner. Sorry babe.
#48 +1 XD
I don't think the OP was saying, "he's rich and pretty and perfect for me!" so much as she was being somewhat sarcastic. "This man would not stop telling me how rich, handsome, and perfect for me he was."
If being perfect = rich and successful and good looking - you're going to have to deal with the bragging or find someone with less money who actually is a decent human being too
isn't this missing a "stop"
Yes it is. Terrible FML too. Who on earth moderated this?
I bet the person who modded this comment is the same one who approved this FML. Way to flounce!
Not at all. Straight from the comments rules: "Don't post any comments which comment on the validity of an FML (screaming Fake, It's not an FML for example), or even on whether the FML deserves to be on the website. Don't ruin the website for the other users." It really is stunning, the number of people that don't bother to read them.
This is true. I agree with the rules for the most part, but lately this site has been ruining itself with just horrible excuses for FML. I'm not really sure how, a few years ago I laughed at the funny and was shocked at the peculiar. (probably less time, but you get my drift) Lately, it seems like the younger people with quasi-perfect lives come on here and moderate the FML's to allow trivial problems like the ones they're experiencing to get through. Just an opinion as to where the sites been, and what it's become.
I agree with the rules most of the time as well, but when FMLs are posted like "Today I told a girl she was beautiful inside and out. She still didn't sleep with me.", THEN I have to say YDI, this isn't a FML, how did this get through, etc.
You can say YDI. That's why there's a button for it. You just can't disagree with the majority who voted for it, and the site admins who posted it and say it shouldn't be on the site.
Sometimes there's little point in reading them when some comments are modded that don't break any of the listed rules.
tdawgheath, "Just an opinion as to where the sites been, and what it's become." Really? Go back to the first page of FML and read the one's that were posted on the very first day the site was open. The FML's when the site opened a little over a year ago weren't much more shocking or different from what they are today. You and many other people on this site seem to have false memories of what FML is and what it used to be. It's practically the same. There have always been FML's about "trivial problems." And quite honestly, everyone's bitching and moaning about how FML "used to be" (which is in fact, exactly how it is now) is getting old.
#68: I personally only moderate comments that do break the site rules, and of course any that are blatant trolling, screaming first, hate speech, etc. And I'm somewhat lenient with my enforcement of the more trivial rules, so... don't think all moderators are trigger-happy morons.
Actually, lem0n, simply reading the very first page doesn't exactly give you much insight about the entire time has be open. (I have been here for almost a year, btw, as a lurker first, then a member.) There were all hilarious and odd FMLs for a time, my favorite kind. The was also the sad-as-**** phase, where this site made me depressed every time I dropped by. There were a few phases in which the FMLs became petty and mundane, and so on and so forth. The site everyone seems to be moaning about did exist at one point, but it doesn't now. However, I think people should stop complaining and should go moderate and submit. I don't moderate/submit; therefore I don't complain. Still, fml is slowly floating back to the funny and ******-up things that happen in everyday life imo. That makes me smile. On the inside. (P.S. Dun moderate meh! D: I'm not trying to ruin anyone's expierence, just providing an explanation)
CyclonePsycho - Oh no no, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying FML hasn't fluctuated in material-type, because it has certainly changed and evolved over the year or so that it's been open. No one is denying that. I'm just saying that people seem to think that FML was once this Holy Grail and that now it has diminished in value. Yet the truth is that FML is, more or less, of the same value as it always was. It hasn't degraded at all, in my opinion; the humor or likability of an FML all depends on what is submitted, moderated, and approved on a day to day basis. Point being, people need to stop criticizing the site every time they don't find an FML tear-jerkingly hilarious. Some days will be better than others, some FMLs will be better than others. Regardless, people should just enjoy the site for what it is. :)
He accidentally himself.
marry him and buy yourself a toyboy
is he bragging about it or not, you didn't exactly clarify OP
How is it not clear? The OP said "if only he could stop bragging about it." Meaning he WAS bragging.

Being good-looking, rich, and having many achievements tends to raise one's ego. Deal with it or move on.
First date? It can be the nerves? Try second date and decide afterwards....