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By Anonymous - 04/06/2009 11:11 - United States

Today, I was reading through a local wedding mag's advice page. A mother-in-law to be was writing about how to handle wanting her son to break off his engagement. I thought, "Wow. That must suck. I'm glad I like my mother-in-law to be." And then I saw her name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 829
You deserved it 3 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AliMarie 0

That sucks. I don't even know what I would do in that situation. My boyfriend's mom hates me. . wont even look at me when I walk in a room (for no reason at all). At least now you know she's two faced.

Its one of those mothers that will always be an issue. Don't let it get in the way of what matters to you and your fiance. She's too stupid to realize that she's done mothering and needs to let him go.


Tell that bitch it's really not her choice so she should stfu I hate parents that try to make their kid's(even when their adults) decisions on love an I don care about Brammer

h0b04L1f3 0

i read that article!... Her names "Im a complete Bitch" right? i thought thats what it said! fyl though that sucks

That sucks but you gonna be ok if you husb-to-be taking your side. then you can just ignore her.

I might be wrong, but don't they only write first names in newspapers/magazines...? Unless her first name is very unusual...but still... I'm calling shenanigans! ...oh wait...#43...i agree haha.

Thts horrible! Just follow your insticts!!

caramelbear 0

#26 she never said she was worried? she could've just been bored and reading through her wedding magazine. just because she was reading the advice column doesn't mean she was looking for advice.

No way, this HAS to be fake. That would suck if it wasn't.

Zach21415 0