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Bugging out

By Anonymous - 09/10/2019 00:01 - United States - Tampa

Today, I'm allergic to not only bug spray, but also mosquitos. I'm staying at a bug-infested lake for 5 days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 410
You deserved it 295

Same thing different taste

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Some people have severe allergic reactions breaking out in baseball-sized welts instead of the tiny fingertip ones like most people get from a mosquito bite.

As the person who commented before me said, some people when bitten by a mosquito wind up with baseball sized welts from it due to their severe reaction. Some other people can have a reaction so severe it causes the whole limb/area to swell. So for example, they get one mosquito bite on their foot and their foot swells to at least twice it's normal size. So it isn't just that some people want to be special, it is that some people actually do have a major reaction to mosquito bites.


Umm why and might as well move to Iceland they have no mosquitoes

Ugh! I totally feel you! I'm not allergic to bug spray but I can't find one that works... so it doesn't matter how much I spray on me... I still get eaten alive!

What about those Off! clip things or citronella?

As efficient as shouting "Boo!" in front of the mosquitoes. If Muskol with its 12% DEET content doesn't work, nothing will, except maybe a burqa soaked in Muskol.

Coat yourself with vinegar, garlic and rotting shrimp. Mosquitoes won't go anywhere near you -- nor will any people.

bullsonyourface 20

but everyone is allergic to the saliva mosquitos inject into you when they steal your blood

EmDizzle2007 28

some people need to be special.

Some people have severe allergic reactions breaking out in baseball-sized welts instead of the tiny fingertip ones like most people get from a mosquito bite.

As the person who commented before me said, some people when bitten by a mosquito wind up with baseball sized welts from it due to their severe reaction. Some other people can have a reaction so severe it causes the whole limb/area to swell. So for example, they get one mosquito bite on their foot and their foot swells to at least twice it's normal size. So it isn't just that some people want to be special, it is that some people actually do have a major reaction to mosquito bites.

bullsonyourface 20

well you learn something new everyday

Damn didn't know it could be that bad 😨

Why would you be staying at a lake if you can’t use bug spray? Mosquitos are attracted to water, you know.

They probably didn't realize that they were allergic to mosquitos and would therefore actually need bug spray. If they didn't have the allergy they would just have to deal with minor discomfort from the bites (we are going to ignore any possible LIME disease risks or the like for now) that could likely be handled by some afterbite or a smidgen of vinegar and baking soda.

One of these things must have been a recent surprise to you, or you wouldn't have gone on the trip.

There are many natural anti bug sprays and oils that work better than most bug sprays like mint, lemon grass, etc. so do some research and go out and enjoy nature while its still there.

if you knew you were allergic to bugs and bug spray why would you spend 5 days at a bug infested lake? ydi

Breanna McKeil 13

OP probably didn’t realize it was bug infested until they got there and saw all the insects.

OP’s parents could be making them ya know

If the OP is a minor they may not have had any choice in the matter. That said you are actively assuming they knew about both allergies before going. They may have known they were allergic to bug spray but not realized they were allergic to mosquitoes or vice versa.

Cover the area around you in pure citronella essential oil and put a little on your clothes (don't get too much on your skin though), maybe light some citronella candles too to get the oil in the air

Been there, done that, got bitten. A lot.

Not to mention citronella is toxic to humans just like it is to mosquitoes breathing too much in a short amount of time will cause a toxic reaction