
By Anonymous - 05/06/2012 18:47 - Brazil - Americana

Today, I was at work, reading some funny stories on my phone. Just as one of my co-workers decided to share that his father had passed away recently, I burst into uncontrollable, teary-eyed laughter at a story. They don't believe my explanation, and have branded me the office asshole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 926
You deserved it 9 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't let it get to you OP if there too stubborn to understand after you explained it, it's their problem.


theonlysweetpea 10

*I don't CARE how...* Typing so fast I left out words! :D

I'm familiar with that kind of situation...I know dat feel bro :/

Have you ever seen any Jenna Marbles videos? That's her thing. If you don't want someone to interact with you, you act like you are mental somehow.

mogeeker 1

You were at work while someone else was talking and you were on your phone? As rude as that may be, they should have at least heard your explanation.

DickMySuck 0

it's your fault you weren't paying attention to him and looking at your phone at work