
By Anonymous - 05/06/2012 18:47 - Brazil - Americana

Today, I was at work, reading some funny stories on my phone. Just as one of my co-workers decided to share that his father had passed away recently, I burst into uncontrollable, teary-eyed laughter at a story. They don't believe my explanation, and have branded me the office asshole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 926
You deserved it 9 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't let it get to you OP if there too stubborn to understand after you explained it, it's their problem.


Keattles 14

Thats just bad luck OP! Maybe eventually they will forget. FYL!

Talk about bad timing, just give it time and things will cool off.

They should just understand, not everything is about them, as bad as that news is. I've been through a less extreme situation, so I (sort of) know how you feel.

It seems like they dont want to forgive you, who would laugh at someones death anyway?

Llamacod 11

how about the office ass, that's who

ryanhawkrider 2

Office asshole.... nah jk but still feel bad for you. :P

perdix 29

Considering where they normally brand cattle, your mark ought to be just a short arrow.

And that's why you wait until you get home to chill around, OP. I bet you were reading FMLs, Tsk Tsk. If this happen anywhere but at lunch time it's a big YDI, k? :P

If someone is so ignorant as to think that you would laugh at them for losing a loved one then they should be branded the ignorant office asshole.

I did something similar, except that the person was telling me of a death and I randomly thought of something funny at the same time. I feel your pain.

I know this will sound terrible, and that is because it is. But my coping mechanism is to laugh... I have no idea when or why this began, but I can't stop it :( maybe OP is my second half in life.