Call CPS

By LaurenJ - 18/06/2024 09:00 - United States

Today, I went to my 19 year-old daughter’s apartment when I heard her baby crying. I have a spare key so I opened the door to find her crying in her rocker. I called my daughter and it turns out she went on a weekend to Malibu with her friends and she “left her some milk and a bowl of Cheerios. She’ll be alright.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 850
You deserved it 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rbirvine1 2

she should not be allowed to have any more children and get that one away from her asap

Call CPS right now. She must be arrested. That child must never be in her care ever again.


tiptoppc 19

I knew someone (now in jail) who killed their baby and went out partying like nothing happened. At least this one didn’t end in death but **** that child’s life.

Great, another typical teen mom... take that baby away from her and force her to get tubal ligation.