Call the police!

By ChangingTheLocks - 13/07/2019 12:30

Today, I came home after a long day at work to find the furniture in my living room had been rearranged by my mother-in-law. When asked how she got in, she told us she stole my husband's key and made herself a copy. She can now come here whenever she wants, unless I change the locks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 203
You deserved it 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Change the ******* locks and send her the bill. Also, explain to your husband that this isn’t okay behavior if he “doesn’t see anything wrong with it” because it’s your turf not hers.

Whatever you do, don't give your husband a copy of the key for the new lock.


Emiweb 9

Move your furniture back, change the locks and tell her it's not on. You don't need your husband to speak to her about it, though he should. I would certainly lay down the law myself with her and deal with the issue direct. That being said, obviously I don't know the full situation or relationship dynamics and history, so it's easy to preach.

Wadlaen 23

I'd change the locks tomorrow!

Well if you're an American just get a gun. Soon enough you will wake up to her crawling in bed with you and you'll have an excuse to "accidentally kill her in a fit of terror". Kidding. I like the fingerprint or keypad lock ideas- her sticky fingers won't be of use with those! And send her the bill. She won't pay but it will perhaps help her see that her choices are hurting you guys, by forcing you to waste money to defend yourselves.

mccuish 25

Get a digital lock. If she gets the code, then you know your husband is just giving her access. Then you have another discussing to deal with.

Rekey the locks. Add an alarm system. Let her get arrested if she does it again.

AlienPickle 10

Police report. Also, tell her to back off. If that happened to me that crazy b*tch would never see me again

Change locks, talk with husband about managing his keys better, and put your foot down with MIL after having HER rearrange the room back the way you had it.