Can't filter that

By Weightlosshereicome - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Oxford

Today, Snapchat thought my double chin was a mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 721
You deserved it 4 627

Top comments

Don't be too hard on yourself, that app always mistakes things :) lose weight because you want to, not because a stupid program glitched out

Sounds like the beginning of a really low budget horror movie. "Snapchat can see into the realm that the living cannot…"


Don't be too hard on yourself, that app always mistakes things :) lose weight because you want to, not because a stupid program glitched out

anlong93 9

Yeah, that stupid app thinks my shoulder is a second face and keeps putting flowers on it. I wouldn't take advice from such a failure of a facial recognition scanner. Do what you feel you need to do to be happy, OP.

Also a lot of skinny people can have double chins due to the way their face and neck meet.

Hey don't give them such a hard time about it #20! Facial (and generally image) recognition is a huge challenge for the software industry. The people at snapchat are trying their best.

Yarecho 14

Hey don't worry about it snapchats a dick

Sounds like the beginning of a really low budget horror movie. "Snapchat can see into the realm that the living cannot…"

Why does this have a red chili pepper? It's nothing sexual.

species4872 19

Don't worry, sometimes it mistakes my big nostrils as my eyes.

Everyone loves a good double chin selfie after all, nothing to worry about.